In these few words is concealed the tragedy endured by millions of Italians who have the unhealthy idea / need for go in the desolate moors suddole to spend a few lazy days of summer.
To understand why the journey was a real adventure into the unknown, just a small example: what happened to me yesterday morning.
Leaving home at 8:20 and arrive at the junction and get onto me five minutes later. To calm down, the presence of a patrol of the road with the policemen who had obviously joined just as out of the car and stretched more than that to wake up to warm the muscles.
Without even 50 meters, the block. No chance to move on. Then, finally, when the queue of cars had reached more than a hundred yards, the team wakes up and goes to see what happened inside the tunnel, followed shortly by two other "Chips."
galleries. Deserve a separate chapter. Dark, full, what with a happy expression scigghitana call "scuru-Limbu." In addition to the darkness, several points in time where the water comes down like rain, even days of normal summer drought. All this happens in pseudogallerie where-by the fall of rock in the month of May you pass two-way, with cars forced to use the high beam also crossing other vehicles, in defiance of the rules of the road.
Community Community was and was not, while those who are still close to the junction fails to back down and someone else prefers to make a U-turn and head toward Bagnara, the police manage to get on the line just enough to we can get to the ramp located near the entrance to the first tunnel, which connects the two-lane north-south and vents at the junction of Scilla. So after 35 minutes, I can go back by Dov 'I started.
At this point, I just have to take the state road 18 up to Villa San Giovanni and from there, continue towards Reggio, where the arrival cu eyes' the boring, tired, sweaty and with those who do not nerbatura smuvuta There Ricu, at 9:40 after 80 minutes, the fantastic average of 17.2 km / hour! More
do toll, I believe that those who come to take the "A3" will do the numbers, yes, but green with anger!
And then, because the bad habit, in the opinion of the writer, the great slogan of the Exodus 2010, which stands on the site of ANAS, it would sound better this way: "Parties right foot, traveling on foot! "
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