Sunday, August 22, 2010

Amblyopia And Marine Corp


sasso Unpublished. No other word sums up what happened in the procession yesterday in Chianalea and Marina.

pebble Case (pictured) rucciuliato from the area in front of the Delegation of the Harbour beach, while arrangements were being made pre-release, the authorities have wisely decided to close the transit across the port area, with the immediate consequence that the traditional route of the procession was completely changed.

On the other hand, as we blame the authorities: they have preserved thousands of 're mpigne scigghitani rollin stones.

Half Chianalea (from the airport to the entrance of the port) has been traveled in the opposite direction. It was not 'na fissarìa, as the narrow vineddhuzze ra Chianalea must be pursued with particular trajectories and tested for years and years. Going in the opposite direction, resulted in a preliminary examination of the actual possibility of transit by the statue of San Rocco and the consequent diversion 'ntrocce directly to' a 'Nunziata, namely in the direction of St. Joseph Church.

In this situation it is more of a disoriented and saw the statue of San Rocco to come from the SS 18 and exit at Via Marina curve "ru Grecu," he thought, "is cuntrasensu"

Yet, both the police and the policemen who were stationed at Piazza Matrice non dissiru components: dumb!

Other unusual arrival in Marina re Canaluni way down. The move presented many difficulties, and because the radius of curvature rather than limited, the carriers have almost threatened to go into the wall of the shoulder of the bridge.

Next, è optato per una breve sosta e il passaggio sutta o’ ponti è avvenuto a mano, giusto a filo dell’arcata pontifera. Che dire: i portatori…sa purtaru propriu!

Poi, ripresa la via Marina, tutto è tornato nella normalità e l’ultimo tratto, ‘i ‘nchianata fino alla piazza è stato percorso a tempo di record, recuperando così il pesante svantaggio.

Un altro episodio ha destato comunque numerose reazioni: all’inizio della discesa di Via Chianalea, lì dove la statua si può toccare con mano e, volendo, la grazia la puoi chiedere a San Rocco sussurrandogliela quasi nell’orecchio, qualcuno ha toccato la parte top of the stick, taking it out from the point of support on the basis of the launches. The silver part that holds the stick is so completely slipped.

The news has run and then spread throughout the entire parade and is immediately bounced on the web too, so that they could Chest Puru Pru to know who to Sant'Ivo Rroccu NCI carìu 'u bastuni!

prucissioni In the interest (but first Puru), omen-crazy the whole, ie it was a pagan race to interpret the two particular signals have occurred: the fall of the rock-well, call it rock-and is a generous compliment the fall (slippage) of the stick.

Personally, Sugnu or 'magu nu or nu mavàru tantu menu.

The interpretation that I gave to these two episodes is that, as he did so in San Rocco procession perhaps it is time that the country went contradiction, that Scylla completely reverse the trend of these recent years.

'U and sticks' to petruliddha are a clear invitation to scigghitani: cangiamu sunata!


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