Who ficiuru for Christians? And 'This is the question I asked myself last Sunday, while on the beach admiring the deep voids.
Who ficiuru for those families, iarmate of trays, thermos, bag-fridge and zzipangulu under his arm? And it was, made repairs to the sea, to keep him nice friscu ('u zzipangulu) ndi viristu?!
Where are those beautiful foils, which glittered in the sun menziornu scigghitanu, pouring ogghiu 'i' and liva sciauru beach beach?
Where did all those bodies lying in the sun if you wanted to get a view of the shoreline, you had to literally pistari Sutt 'and peri?
Compared to other years, the beaches scigghitanu ofwhich desertu not appeared, but almost. Blame the economic crisis? or turnover that most truvari 'n parcheggiu, unu s'av' to raccumandari to 'Maronna?
Anche il pomeriggio, solitamente pieno di figghiolanza che arriva con il trenino, lo spazio era comunque bastevole per rucciuliarsi con una certa comodità sul briccio marino, in cerca della posa migliore per digiriri il prima possibili le ugghie fritte che avevamo ‘ssaggiatu o’ ristoranti.
Infatti, scuraggiati dalla mancanza di prelibatezze locali –parmiggiani, pipi chini, cutuletti, mulingiani, purpetti, ecc.- che solitamente animavano il ferragosto nostrano, dopo la tradizionali “calata ‘i menziornu” decidimmu di andare a mettere i piedi sotto un buon tavolo, diligentemente prenotato con un annu d’anticipu.
Cchiù the tempu passed, and the menu was the desire to turnario to 'rrustirsi sutta or' suli, looking for people who come sapiva even fumu, dopu that the whole of iurnata sabitu had seen him go up in smoke dementia muntagna 'i Cuddhicu , 'ru ntinna telefunu included.
addition, we had no imagination to see us arrive to propriu Supr '' head in the forest elicottiru ra-forward arretu having arretu-guidatu by a pilot in the mood for stunts tipu Vasco Rossi, trying to stutari the Ultimu Fire, scattering in Giru tantu ddhu of salts that, if you will go to fungi in the autumn, you will find salt directly without bisognu of suitable salting.
Thus, 'N word, you and a Jehu, nu nu biccheri biccheri you and Jehu, who tavula ra ndi iazammu erunu the quattru and dementia.
More than the sea-view, to convince us to do the few steps that separated us from the door of the restaurant was the expression of scunsulata waiters, with the rest of the room now empty, seeing as though we were still quietly accommodated just arrived, but about tavula vacant, said: "Uh mom who manicomiu! But ... 'home' u sannu?! .
ndi turnammu Supr who was so 'in' beach. And dopu 'n café, a dip riattivari for the circulation 'ru NTAS vinu,' na pennica for ricuperari forces, we gave a last goodbye to the sun that greeted us, hiding behind the skyline.
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