Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Rear Wheel Drive Off Road Buggy


continue our journey for ‘stati nelle leggende che accompagnano e alimentano il culto di San Rocco a Scilla.
L’episodio ru bastuni accaduto quest’anno nella processione a senso inverso per Chianalea e Marina, ci ha fatto rievocare un’altra leggenda che in pochi conoscono.
Com’ ormai sapiti, il culto verso il Santo pellegrino più famoso in Europa (pi non diri nto mundu), arrivò a Scilla –via Venezia- sul finiri del 1400.
La liggenda narra che la statua arrivata da Venezia, purtata in prucissioni, a un certo punto addivintò persona umana, assumendo le fattezze di un pellegrino, cu tantu di vistitu poviru, burraccia e bastuni.
And sicundu vui, Community First, just arrivatu Scilla, who surfaces the pilgrim? As a good scigghitanu, these are already Pirch evidentementi cunsidrò, Calau to 'patch!
Arrivatu height between the current bar and tabacchinu not trasìu CERTU me Piggie 'n coffee or me' ccatta giurnali and cigarillos, but after looking nu pocu tornu tornu, Chianti 'n land' u bastuni, whose inclinations clearly indicate the place where now the present church is found.
pricise the point where 'u bastuni tuccau earth, rose subitu' n we can consider arbiru-grandfather of the current science arbiru ra- which grew over the years, with a vigorous frame and a thick head of hair.
At CERTU punctuality, the tree size and assumed such proportions that his shadow ended up completely obscure the building adjacent to it, inhabited by a noble family of the time, these Cimino.
Seeing the arbiru giustu before 'house, Cimino, strong of their lineage, thought it best (from their point of view) to cut the plant up to full sciupparla from rericate, so as to return to their direct view scigghitana the square, regardless of finomino who gave birth to the plant.
From the moment the tree was cut, the family Cimino beat such and such serious trouble, that their names disappeared dall'anagrafe town.
Their race was literally sdirrignata, uprooted from Scigghio, exactly as they had done the arbiru the Sant'Ivo Rroccu cu.
In this episode, which became law, over time it is then distributed through the generations that have succeeded so far, a respectful fear against San Rocco and I ru 'bastuni, with which the patron of Scylla-exactly as a good father and is ready to punish his children whenever they behave prisuntusi, contrary to the community or pocu 'in rucazionati genere.
La prima cosa che nu criaturi i figghiolu scigghitanu si sente dire dai genitori negli anni della fanciullezza è: “Fa’ ‘u bravu, ‘a mamma, capiscisti? ‘Chì, se fai il monello, Sant’à Rroccu ti mina cu bastuni!” E poi, per essere ancora più persuasiva, indicando la statua del Santo aggiunge: “’U viri ddhà?!”
La qual cosa, unita alla barocca potenza espressiva della statua scigghitana del Santo –che agli occhi scigghitani, vince ovviamente ogni confronto con qualunque altra rappresentazione iconografica in campo mondiali- la qual cosa si diceva, provoca nel bimbo quel timore reverenziale which has already been mentioned.
course, then, shot from the point of view of so many selfish Paganese Scilla, 'u bastuni, believed to be the instrument through which Sant'Ivo Rroccu expresses His power (!), Becomes an instrument of personal defense, personal, by those who ndi vonnu evils.
it is not uncommon, especially in the days of the festival, heard a strange, somewhat chilling plea for help: "Oh Sant'Ivo Rroccu, pensici Tu, cu To 'bastuni"
Now, it is extremely unlikely that a Saint-anyone-can seriously consider such a request, obviously with Christianity based on thoughts that are literally a fight ... (tantu to stay on).
Back then slid ru bastuni episode of the statue took place in the procession this year, is the atavistic belief that it is harbinger of Scilla not good news. I ndi Sant'Ivo Rroccu Varda!


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