Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Rear Wheel Drive Off Road Buggy
continue our journey for ‘stati nelle leggende che accompagnano e alimentano il culto di San Rocco a Scilla.
L’episodio ru bastuni accaduto quest’anno nella processione a senso inverso per Chianalea e Marina, ci ha fatto rievocare un’altra leggenda che in pochi conoscono.
Com’ ormai sapiti, il culto verso il Santo pellegrino più famoso in Europa (pi non diri nto mundu), arrivò a Scilla –via Venezia- sul finiri del 1400.
La liggenda narra che la statua arrivata da Venezia, purtata in prucissioni, a un certo punto addivintò persona umana, assumendo le fattezze di un pellegrino, cu tantu di vistitu poviru, burraccia e bastuni.
And sicundu vui, Community First, just arrivatu Scilla, who surfaces the pilgrim? As a good scigghitanu, these are already Pirch evidentementi cunsidrò, Calau to 'patch!
Arrivatu height between the current bar and tabacchinu not trasìu CERTU me Piggie 'n coffee or me' ccatta giurnali and cigarillos, but after looking nu pocu tornu tornu, Chianti 'n land' u bastuni, whose inclinations clearly indicate the place where now the present church is found.
pricise the point where 'u bastuni tuccau earth, rose subitu' n we can consider arbiru-grandfather of the current science arbiru ra- which grew over the years, with a vigorous frame and a thick head of hair.
At CERTU punctuality, the tree size and assumed such proportions that his shadow ended up completely obscure the building adjacent to it, inhabited by a noble family of the time, these Cimino.
Seeing the arbiru giustu before 'house, Cimino, strong of their lineage, thought it best (from their point of view) to cut the plant up to full sciupparla from rericate, so as to return to their direct view scigghitana the square, regardless of finomino who gave birth to the plant.
From the moment the tree was cut, the family Cimino beat such and such serious trouble, that their names disappeared dall'anagrafe town.
Their race was literally sdirrignata, uprooted from Scigghio, exactly as they had done the arbiru the Sant'Ivo Rroccu cu.
In this episode, which became law, over time it is then distributed through the generations that have succeeded so far, a respectful fear against San Rocco and I ru 'bastuni, with which the patron of Scylla-exactly as a good father and is ready to punish his children whenever they behave prisuntusi, contrary to the community or pocu 'in rucazionati genere.
La prima cosa che nu criaturi i figghiolu scigghitanu si sente dire dai genitori negli anni della fanciullezza è: “Fa’ ‘u bravu, ‘a mamma, capiscisti? ‘Chì, se fai il monello, Sant’à Rroccu ti mina cu bastuni!” E poi, per essere ancora più persuasiva, indicando la statua del Santo aggiunge: “’U viri ddhà?!”
La qual cosa, unita alla barocca potenza espressiva della statua scigghitana del Santo –che agli occhi scigghitani, vince ovviamente ogni confronto con qualunque altra rappresentazione iconografica in campo mondiali- la qual cosa si diceva, provoca nel bimbo quel timore reverenziale which has already been mentioned.
course, then, shot from the point of view of so many selfish Paganese Scilla, 'u bastuni, believed to be the instrument through which Sant'Ivo Rroccu expresses His power (!), Becomes an instrument of personal defense, personal, by those who ndi vonnu evils.
it is not uncommon, especially in the days of the festival, heard a strange, somewhat chilling plea for help: "Oh Sant'Ivo Rroccu, pensici Tu, cu To 'bastuni"
Now, it is extremely unlikely that a Saint-anyone-can seriously consider such a request, obviously with Christianity based on thoughts that are literally a fight ... (tantu to stay on).
Back then slid ru bastuni episode of the statue took place in the procession this year, is the atavistic belief that it is harbinger of Scilla not good news. I ndi Sant'Ivo Rroccu Varda!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wwe Real Scale Ring Materials
Those that last night, when midnight had gone from a couple of hours, they waited for the Attorney General of Landro shut the light after going to bed, and blew short fuse to a bomb that shook the door of the house of a magistrate, have put in place is another stage of their career criminal, criminal in their strategy.
A strategy whose aim is to let people know that, despite the many police operations and the numerous seizures of goods that were registered this year, the "other power" is always present and knows who to blame, as and when he wants.
This strategy, characterized by efforts to gradually increasing intensity and gravity, began just after New Year, also continued with demonstrations during the visit of the President of the Republic in Reggio and in practice has involved almost all the judges under the prosecutor in Reggio Calabria.
Now, with the attack last night, the level of intimidation has been raised.
Up to now, immediately after each of the previous attacks, there have been several specific statements of solidarity as sickly and held public demonstrations and sit-in support to these men of Law, now is not enough.
must do more. But what? is the most difficult question to which each of us, every Calabria, all Italian, is called to respond.
E 'out of doubt, and indeed is confirmed that the school and the culture can do much to help an individual to take the road of legality rather than of crime and the underworld.
The problem, continuously stressed by the judges themselves, is that in school today are the sons of the mafia.
is because, unfortunately, that those who become part of organized crime, culture and knowledge use them yes, but only and exclusively for their personal gain, never mind the next, even their children.
For example, today I happened to read this sentence:
.... Is always some wonderful silence ... that gives life to the tiny or huge roar of what was to become irremovable memory.
Looking back on what happened last night, if you notice, those words describe fully the thought that has crossed the mind of the fine bomber who has inspired, determined, organized the crime.
are the words of a famous Italian writer Alessandro Baricco, and are part of a book, "Castles of anger," whose very title is indicative and representative of the feeling we all Reggio, Calabria and the Italians that when they read that frase, pensano a ogni genere di esplosione (di colori, di fantasia, ecc.) fuorché a quella provocata da una bomba.
Eh già. In questo ultimo scorcio d’estate, potremmo starcene spensierati sulla spiaggia, a costruire castelli di sabbia, invece di dover aggiungere un altro mattone al nostro personale castello di rabbia.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Hot Shower Before Waxing
Sugli aspetti ludico-ricreativi, è meglio fare come il fuochista, stendiamo un velo…fumoso.
Vorrei invece soffermarmi su una scena che mi ha molto colpito, avvenuta davanti alla porta dell’ospedale, al passaggio della processione.
Davanti a quel luogo che raccoglie (e sana) la sofferenza non solo di Scilla, ma anche dei paesi vicini, era tanta l’ansia di incontrare San Rocco, di vedere quell’immagine che infonde serenità, conforto e speranza.
E il più ansioso di tutti era sicuramente un ragazzo che da tempo sta lottando in ogni modo contro il nemico più vigliacco, infido, che si nasconde dentro il suo corpo.
Fino a poco tempo fa, questo ragazzo era una delle tante magliette blu e dei tanti fazzoletti amaranto, sulle quali la statua del Santo sembra quasi galleggiare. Portava il peso dello statua, insieme a quegli stessi amici che ieri lo hanno circondato per salutarlo, abbracciarlo, stringergli la mano, contenti di vederlo fra loro, contenti di sapere che quel ragazzo è uno di loro, con la stessa convinzione, la stessa forza di sempre.
E l’ha dimostrata ancora di più quella forza. Ma non era più soltanto forza fisica. In quel tendere le mani, in quell’aggrapparsi alla stanga anteriore della statua; in quel volersi alzare dalla carrozzina; in quello sforzo di voler essere ancora al suo posto, per pochi metri, guardando San Rocco direttamente negli occhi, c’era la forza della fede.
In quel volerGli dire: “Vedi, sono qui, mi affido a Te!”, c’era tutta the true essence of the festival. The element is unique and foundational of the celebrations in honor of our patron saint who, alas!, Too often forget.
I confess, I cried. I cried with happiness and joy. The joy that your heart when you take in a few moments, in these small acts of great significance, again with strength, courage, resume, and thank the Lord for every little thing you happen every day.
At that point, fire, noise, music, play a secondary aspect, on the periphery.
Well, that boy do not need to give any encouragement. And 'he who by his gesture, gave me strength to me.
For this reason, the boy publicly, I will simply say thank you.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Amblyopia And Marine Corp
Unpublished. No other word sums up what happened in the procession yesterday in Chianalea and Marina.
pebble Case (pictured) rucciuliato from the area in front of the Delegation of the Harbour beach, while arrangements were being made pre-release, the authorities have wisely decided to close the transit across the port area, with the immediate consequence that the traditional route of the procession was completely changed.
On the other hand, as we blame the authorities: they have preserved thousands of 're mpigne scigghitani rollin stones.
Half Chianalea (from the airport to the entrance of the port) has been traveled in the opposite direction. It was not 'na fissarìa, as the narrow vineddhuzze ra Chianalea must be pursued with particular trajectories and tested for years and years. Going in the opposite direction, resulted in a preliminary examination of the actual possibility of transit by the statue of San Rocco and the consequent diversion 'ntrocce directly to' a 'Nunziata, namely in the direction of St. Joseph Church.
In this situation it is more of a disoriented and saw the statue of San Rocco to come from the SS 18 and exit at Via Marina curve "ru Grecu," he thought, "is cuntrasensu"
Yet, both the police and the policemen who were stationed at Piazza Matrice non dissiru components: dumb!
Other unusual arrival in Marina re Canaluni way down. The move presented many difficulties, and because the radius of curvature rather than limited, the carriers have almost threatened to go into the wall of the shoulder of the bridge.
Next, è optato per una breve sosta e il passaggio sutta o’ ponti è avvenuto a mano, giusto a filo dell’arcata pontifera. Che dire: i portatori…sa purtaru propriu!
Poi, ripresa la via Marina, tutto è tornato nella normalità e l’ultimo tratto, ‘i ‘nchianata fino alla piazza è stato percorso a tempo di record, recuperando così il pesante svantaggio.
Un altro episodio ha destato comunque numerose reazioni: all’inizio della discesa di Via Chianalea, lì dove la statua si può toccare con mano e, volendo, la grazia la puoi chiedere a San Rocco sussurrandogliela quasi nell’orecchio, qualcuno ha toccato la parte top of the stick, taking it out from the point of support on the basis of the launches. The silver part that holds the stick is so completely slipped.
The news has run and then spread throughout the entire parade and is immediately bounced on the web too, so that they could Chest Puru Pru to know who to Sant'Ivo Rroccu NCI carìu 'u bastuni!
prucissioni In the interest (but first Puru), omen-crazy the whole, ie it was a pagan race to interpret the two particular signals have occurred: the fall of the rock-well, call it rock-and is a generous compliment the fall (slippage) of the stick.
Personally, Sugnu or 'magu nu or nu mavàru tantu menu.
The interpretation that I gave to these two episodes is that, as he did so in San Rocco procession perhaps it is time that the country went contradiction, that Scylla completely reverse the trend of these recent years.
'U and sticks' to petruliddha are a clear invitation to scigghitani: cangiamu sunata!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Mandingo Parties To Join
Scilla full stops. Not because paralyzed by traffic (that happens every day in this period), but Pirch 'ccumincia' a festival 'the Sant' à Rroccu!
Like all the festivities, for those who do not own 'nt ndiginu blood is difficult to understand the ways and customs that accompany the sacred event.
One aspect that many do not include, for example, is linked to the dialect of the Holy pilgrim: how is it that San Rocco or Santu Rroccu, Scilla becomes Sant 'à Rroccu?
First, we must be careful as it is written so. In most cases, can be found written as Santa Roccu.
BBO It is well known that Scylla is' pais where u took the bag (the wrong) broke up, but from there to confuse the sex of the saints, there runs.
Nta nu pais where "she" does not exist, even where it is customary to give the "you" to a stranger, an elderly person or, in general, it feeds on a person to special respect, imagine with the saints!
E 'scigghitani can say all we are the first to make fun of themselves and laugh at our weaknesses, but not' in daviti Tuccari and 'Saints and San Rocco in particular.
And Allura why this linguistic variation?
Simple: p'u troppu respectful.
veru In fact the misunderstanding that the above language, in fact can be explained by the fact that San Rocco, in virtue of the special relationship that dates back to 1495 devotional or so, we are referring to Sant-term 'A, which is merely the equivalent of scigghitanu Holiness!
So Sant 'à Rroccu Scilla is the translation-with much-shortened form of St. Rocco.
As above, appropriate scigghitani knowledge both of the younger, who may not have much familiarity with the dialect, both tourists and should be around here.
therefore no ambiguity: all together, we cry quietly "Viva Sant 'à Rroccu!" Happy Holidays!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Honeywell Rth3100c Thermostat Wiring
Who ficiuru for Christians? And 'This is the question I asked myself last Sunday, while on the beach admiring the deep voids.
Who ficiuru for those families, iarmate of trays, thermos, bag-fridge and zzipangulu under his arm? And it was, made repairs to the sea, to keep him nice friscu ('u zzipangulu) ndi viristu?!
Where are those beautiful foils, which glittered in the sun menziornu scigghitanu, pouring ogghiu 'i' and liva sciauru beach beach?
Where did all those bodies lying in the sun if you wanted to get a view of the shoreline, you had to literally pistari Sutt 'and peri?
Compared to other years, the beaches scigghitanu ofwhich desertu not appeared, but almost. Blame the economic crisis? or turnover that most truvari 'n parcheggiu, unu s'av' to raccumandari to 'Maronna?
Anche il pomeriggio, solitamente pieno di figghiolanza che arriva con il trenino, lo spazio era comunque bastevole per rucciuliarsi con una certa comodità sul briccio marino, in cerca della posa migliore per digiriri il prima possibili le ugghie fritte che avevamo ‘ssaggiatu o’ ristoranti.
Infatti, scuraggiati dalla mancanza di prelibatezze locali –parmiggiani, pipi chini, cutuletti, mulingiani, purpetti, ecc.- che solitamente animavano il ferragosto nostrano, dopo la tradizionali “calata ‘i menziornu” decidimmu di andare a mettere i piedi sotto un buon tavolo, diligentemente prenotato con un annu d’anticipu.
Cchiù the tempu passed, and the menu was the desire to turnario to 'rrustirsi sutta or' suli, looking for people who come sapiva even fumu, dopu that the whole of iurnata sabitu had seen him go up in smoke dementia muntagna 'i Cuddhicu , 'ru ntinna telefunu included.
addition, we had no imagination to see us arrive to propriu Supr '' head in the forest elicottiru ra-forward arretu having arretu-guidatu by a pilot in the mood for stunts tipu Vasco Rossi, trying to stutari the Ultimu Fire, scattering in Giru tantu ddhu of salts that, if you will go to fungi in the autumn, you will find salt directly without bisognu of suitable salting.
Thus, 'N word, you and a Jehu, nu nu biccheri biccheri you and Jehu, who tavula ra ndi iazammu erunu the quattru and dementia.
More than the sea-view, to convince us to do the few steps that separated us from the door of the restaurant was the expression of scunsulata waiters, with the rest of the room now empty, seeing as though we were still quietly accommodated just arrived, but about tavula vacant, said: "Uh mom who manicomiu! But ... 'home' u sannu?! .
ndi turnammu Supr who was so 'in' beach. And dopu 'n café, a dip riattivari for the circulation 'ru NTAS vinu,' na pennica for ricuperari forces, we gave a last goodbye to the sun that greeted us, hiding behind the skyline.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
How To Hook Up Cablecord

Sunday, August 1, 2010
Women's Murder Club 2crash.dmp

In these few words is concealed the tragedy endured by millions of Italians who have the unhealthy idea / need for go in the desolate moors suddole to spend a few lazy days of summer.
To understand why the journey was a real adventure into the unknown, just a small example: what happened to me yesterday morning.
Leaving home at 8:20 and arrive at the junction and get onto me five minutes later. To calm down, the presence of a patrol of the road with the policemen who had obviously joined just as out of the car and stretched more than that to wake up to warm the muscles.
Without even 50 meters, the block. No chance to move on. Then, finally, when the queue of cars had reached more than a hundred yards, the team wakes up and goes to see what happened inside the tunnel, followed shortly by two other "Chips."
galleries. Deserve a separate chapter. Dark, full, what with a happy expression scigghitana call "scuru-Limbu." In addition to the darkness, several points in time where the water comes down like rain, even days of normal summer drought. All this happens in pseudogallerie where-by the fall of rock in the month of May you pass two-way, with cars forced to use the high beam also crossing other vehicles, in defiance of the rules of the road.
Community Community was and was not, while those who are still close to the junction fails to back down and someone else prefers to make a U-turn and head toward Bagnara, the police manage to get on the line just enough to we can get to the ramp located near the entrance to the first tunnel, which connects the two-lane north-south and vents at the junction of Scilla. So after 35 minutes, I can go back by Dov 'I started.
At this point, I just have to take the state road 18 up to Villa San Giovanni and from there, continue towards Reggio, where the arrival cu eyes' the boring, tired, sweaty and with those who do not nerbatura smuvuta There Ricu, at 9:40 after 80 minutes, the fantastic average of 17.2 km / hour! More
do toll, I believe that those who come to take the "A3" will do the numbers, yes, but green with anger!
And then, because the bad habit, in the opinion of the writer, the great slogan of the Exodus 2010, which stands on the site of ANAS, it would sound better this way: "Parties right foot, traveling on foot! "