"It 's a matter of procedure." With these words the knight disarming nano Brianza said the letter in which President Napolitano has dismissed as inadmissible the decree approved by the Cabinet last night (always the night, with 'and latria).
Here's what the President says Napolitano :
" outset that I have not met the conditions required to proceed with the adoption, by failing to clearly improved the process for which the delegation is expected art. 2, paragraphs 3 e 4, della legge n. 42 del 2009 : sono pertanto costretto a non ricevere il decreto approvato dal Governo, a garanzia della legittimità di un provvedimento di così grande rilevanza .”
Per coloro che di diritto ndi mastricunu menu i mia, dirò che la Legge cui fa riferimento Napolitano è lo strumento con il quale il Parlamento ha delegato il Governo per la redazione di tutti i decreti che dovrebbero far nascere sto benedetto/maledetto federalismo.
Ma cosa dice esattamente questa Legge e, in particolare l’articolo citato nel comunicato del Quirinale?
Siccome non ci fidiamo poi tanto di quello che dicono i giornali, liggimulu.
Article 2. (Purpose and object)
1. The Government has the power to adopt, within twenty-four months from the date of entry into force of this Act [05.21.2011], one or more legislative decrees ... to ensure .... the financial autonomy of municipalities, provinces, metropolitan cities and regions .
3. Patterns of Legislative Decree .... be sent to the rooms, each equipped with technical report ... ... the reason that it is expressed the opinion of the Commission under Article 3 [Parliamentary Commission for the implementation of fiscal federalism] and parliamentary committees responsible for the consequences of financial , within sixty days after delivery ....
4. Once the deadline for the expression of opinions ... . the decree may nevertheless be adopted . If the government does not intend to comply with the parliamentary advice, retransmits the lyrics to the room with his observations and any amendments and makes communications before each House . thirty days from the date of the new transmission, the decrees can still be adopted definitively by the Government . If the government, partly as a result of the expression of parliamentary advice not intend to comply with the agreement reached in the Joint Conference, shall transmit to the same Joint Conference Rooms and a report which sets out the specific reasons for deviations from the cartel .
How do you remember the President Napolitano, the committee has, by regulation, a negative opinion, which, however, the government does not seem very importagliene. Which is why, according to law, the new text should be given back to the House and Senate that also should be informed of the changes and / or changes.
This crucial step of the Law, which expresses in a nutshell the key role played by Parliament in the formation of any law (and thus also those delegated to the Government), was deliberately ignored by the nano knight and his followers, meeting in a hurry and rage at night to approve a measure not vitiated by procedural shortcomings, but the lack of substantive elements that disrupt the effectiveness against anyone.
If, by contradiction, President Napolitano had promulgated the rule adopted by the Council of owls and an advancing action against any citizen of any of the rules it lays down, there would be Commissione che non gli darebbe ragione. Ciò costituirebbe un danno verso Regioni, Province e Comuni. Un danno che verrebbe arrecato loro da quelle stesse norme da cui dovrebbero invece trarre beneficio.
Napolitano non nasconde la sua delusione, lamentando la mancata “condivisione sul piano sostanziale” e richiamando la necessità di “ evitare una rottura anche sul piano procedimentale, per violazione di puntuali disposizioni della legge .” Cchiù chiaru i cusì!
E, infine, il nostro saggio Presidente (meno male che Giorgio c’è!), non può esimersi dal rendere manifesta, clamorosa scorrettezza del Governo, peraltro already slapped more than once:
" Nor can I fail to mention that is not conducive to a good functioning of the institutional relationships convening of an extraordinary cabinet meeting without setting the agenda and without prior information of the President of the Republic , so alone consulting sull'intendimento to proceed to final approval of the Legislative Decree . "
short, the cavalier nano and so 'calacazetti not miss a chance to show their contempt for the rules that govern our Republic.
No, is not ignorance. One thing you can ignore, but only once.
The persevere in malpractice, the errors and institutional indifference, can not be tolerated.
You can not downgrade a particular provision of the state to mere "procedural fact."
The laws of the State not sunnu 'na' nsalata, who if 'u salts' u changes its mind sooner or ropu pocu.
It 's true that the "no" Napolitano does not stop the path towards federalism. But it is an important path and Italy can not afford to make mistakes ... the road.
For this, we must not act in a hurry, or trying to circumvent the law or by decisions taken in the dark, counting the ones who 'turnover was u' 'the nights and no victim.
Again, the dirty game of the knight and his dwarf calacazetti government has been discovered.
ATRA was iurnata of Syrian moon nova , pirce Puru if 'u turnover was' the nights are victim. Eccomu if victim!
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