Sunday, February 6, 2011

Can Handwriting Cause Shoulder Injury

A nest box: A concrete action, or rather two! For the defense of nature. To support the activities of the Committee.

Il Comitato per il Parco Locale del Monte di Brianza, al fine di finanziare le proprie attività, ha pensato ad un modo consistent and compatible with the proposal that is pursuing: the sale of nest boxes for birds.
Buying a nest box has two concrete acts of nature: to support a group of people is trying to give a future to our environment and to help "find home" to some species of birds in our area always more urbanized struggling to find suitable places to nest.
A pair of Cinciallegre consumes between 7,000 and 8,000 insects per week, while only one tit, can predict more than 2.5 pounds of insects a year, and its diet also includes eggs particularly damaging insect species .
Having the habit of nesting in natural cavities, the cutting of old trees and mature rich in these cavities, and the renovation of homes, farms or old walls, they miss out on these species habitat where natural reproduction.
Here is the numbers and some good reasons to place a nest box!

boxes are available at the banquet that the Committee will set up in our common during the collection of signatures for the petition pro park or in the evenings open to the public in this regard we recall the meeting Thursday February 10 at 21.00 Dolzago and Thursday, March 3 to Olginate.

The construction of nest boxes has been made possible thanks to the work of our volunteers and the generosity and Gaetano Franco Carlino, and Antonio for providing the material and the laboratory. To all of them deserve our heartfelt thanks.

nest boxes: User manual

Even if it is enough to look at the photo reproduced here for directions on how to mount the tape, you first need to nail the two side to the back along with the small hole. At this point you can fix the front entrance of the large hole, the two sides and then flipping the tape, the bottom. We turn now our box and fix the hinge through the sunroof. Our nest box at this point is ready.
At work we recommend the 'use of gloves and goggles.

The nest boxes will be placed in the wild as soon as possible, even in winter, so that the birds begin to familiarize yourself.
should be placed with the opening facing south-east at a height between 1.5 and 4 m . Place them in places frequented by men higher up, so it avoided the trouble. It is advisable to place them on plants that provide good shelter from excessive sunlight, avoiding too dense formations or shady. It 'best to install the nest boxes in forests and young people still lack large old trees and mature. (Always ask the owners!)
Non distinguendo insetti buoni da insetti nocivi sarà nostra premura non collocarle in luoghi, o di grande interesse entomologico, come ad esempio i prati magri, o frequentati da farfalle.
Avendo il tetto apribile, sarà possibile pulire la nostra cassetta nido ad ogni autunno.

L’attività del comitato è portata avanti non senza fatica da un piccolo numero di persone che svolgono solamente opera volontaria, ma nonostante questo sono necessari fondi per sostenere spese quali hiring rooms for public information meetings, printing costs of our leaflets and publications, etc.. For this reason we ask that those wishing to contribute are welcome offered independently of the sale of the nests, as always at our banquets or during meetings scheduled.


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