Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Reflux And Sores In Mouth

Olginate says YES From the plis

the day Tuesday, 12/21/2010 City Council has Olginate Express - with almost unanimous vote (only one abstention) - his favor plis to our project by adopting a resolution of intent sent by the junta to work towards this goal.

Here di seguito il testo della delibera:



Premesso che:
-          il territorio del Monte di Brianza/San Genesio costituisce la dorsale verde Montevecchia/Monte Barro;
-          la Regione Lombardia , con la Legge Regionale n. 86/1983, aveva inserito quest'area nell'elenco di quelle di particolare rilevanza naturale e ambientale e, successivamente, aveva previsto, con la L.R. n. 32/1996, l'istituzione di un Parco Regionale;
-          la proposta è stata recepita nel 2004 dal Piano Territoriale di Coordinamento della Provincia di Lecco che prevede la costituzione del Parco Locale di Interesse Sovraccomunale (PLIS) denominato “ Colle Brianza – S. Genesio ", corridoio ecologico fondamentale per la tutela ambientale e naturalistica della Provincia di Lecco.

Considerato che:
-          il contesto altamente urbanizzato della Brianza Lecchese tende ad accrescere notevolmente il rischio idrogeologico del nostro territorio, oltre ad aumentare il livello degli inquinanti rilasciati nell'aria e nell'acqua;
-          consumption or abandonment of land and its natural heritage has impoverished the landscape within a few generations. The harmful effects have become increasingly evident and this has spread among the public a greater awareness of the importance of cultural and environmental heritage, promoting in recent years the emergence of agriculture in Valletta Plis, S. Pietro al Monte / S. Thomas, S. Valley Martin del Rio and Vallone.
- The desire to curb the deterioration and abandonment, passes anche attraverso la tutela delle aree agricole e boschive, è già parte pregnante dei singoli P.G.T. deliberati o in corso di predisposizione.

Rilevato che:
-          la tutela proposta   per il Monte di Brianza nasce dalla volontà dei cittadini e delle Amministrazioni con lo scopo di valorizzare questo territorio, conservandone il paesaggio tradizionale, l'architettura rurale, la flora e la fauna, le coltivazioni e l'equilibrio tra l'uomo e l'ambiente;
- iI plis "Monte di Brianza" will also boost the local economy by promoting eco-tourism for the proper use of the territory itself, which can offer a wide range of courses aimed at healthy recreation and environmental education. It must be remembered meadows, forests and cultivated this land are the result of sustained action and reasoned man for several centuries. The equilibrium laboriously created and maintained by our ancestors for a long time and require constant maintenance work continues here is therefore the need to design (the first) to plan and implement (then) all the practices designed to implement the conservation plan in a clear assumption of responsibility that, in a coordinated manner, exceeds the indifference and sporadic interventions.

also noted that this vision implies the involvement of residents, farmers, hunters, owners, associations that recognize an interest in the implementation of Plis and shared, including through the establishment of a consultation .

acknowledging that through the establishment of Plis can access the EU funding and expanding the horizons for the executive (such as was done with the financing of the restoration of "Sentierone" Montevecchia - Barro recently obtained by the same name Parks).;


- to authorize the Town Council for you to start consultations with local governments and other institutions involved in the project coordinated by the Province, which will recognize the Plis at the request of municipalities, in order to give practical effect to the creation of a framework convention, as is already the case for other services, enabling achieving the objectives set out in the introduction in the form of a plis.

We can not tell us that met for the initiative that Olginate, serving as a forerunner in relation to other interested municipalities, shows a real determination to take concrete action to implement the project plis, in consideration of the favor that this resolution has met with all political parties in council, where there was agreement between the majority and opposition.


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