Photo: Franco Orsenigo spokesman with the mayor and deputy mayor Ello Elena Zambetti Virginio Colombo
Park of Monte di Brianza: ecological corridor from protect
The "Committee for the Promotion of the local park of Monte Brianza," five months of the establishment, drafted an initial report yesterday announcing further actions on the territory to get to the birth of 'Plis' through' shared choices in the preservation and enhancement. " The strategy includes "collecting signatures, meeting with institutions and associations, meetings and initiatives in the countries involved in the subject."
signatures in support of the park are 2000 so far: "To achieve this - they said yesterday, among others, Pierfranco Mastalli Legambiente, Franco Orsenigo, Luigi Panzeri and Matthew Fumagali Committee - has been determined in the presence various events and the testimony from local government, Pro Loco, parishes, other agencies and with citizens proof of the transversality of the proposal. At the moment we have been active in Olgiate Molgora, Consonno, Oggiono, Brivio, Garlate, Merate, Osnago Montevecchia, Calco and Cernusco Lombardone. We met with the Provincial Councillor for the Territory, Bezzi, technicians and the president of Eastern Mountain Community Lario and San Martino valley, all involved in various capacities in the initiative. We asked to meet with the municipalities and at the time we were received by Olgiate, Ello, Olginate, Brivio, Dolzago, Airuno Hoè and Santa Maria. "
These meetings allowed the Committee to have "important information about its willingness to establish the Plis by including within its borders different levels of territorial government and its "rules of the plans, but also to express concerns about the commitment and financial strategies for involving people." In the interviews there has been a near-unique concern for the hydrogeological, abandonment of farmland and forests' local administrators, the Committee reiterated that the establishment of the park will "facilitate resolution of emerging problems, otherwise too expensive be addressed individually. " The park will be managed through agreements between the municipalities in fact, one of whom lead. "A meeting - said the committee - is already programmed with Colle Brianza, mentre proseguono i contatti con Oggiono, Castello e Valgreghentino; si attendono ancora risposte da Galbiate e Garlate. Oltre le associazioni che hanno aderito al Comitato, abbiamo contatti con altre realtà che operano sul territorio: l'obiettivo è sempre di evitare che l'istituzione del parco sia vissuta come calata dall'alto e non come una necessità e, di conseguenza, una volontà. E' stata incontrata ad esempio una delegazione di cacciatori per ribadire come il parco non influisca sulla loro attività, regolata da una legge regionale».
«Il territorio del Monte di Brianza e del San Genesio costituisce la dorsale verde tra
Patrizia Zucchi (La Provincia)
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