Saturday, December 11, 2010

Malm Occasional Table Size Bed Frame?

press conference Saturday, 12/11

Sabato 11 dicembre si è svolta presso la sala civica di Ello denominata (non a caso) "Monte di Brianza" una conferenza stampa organizzata dal nostro Comitato per fare il punto della situazione della propria attività ad oggi.
Ecco il resoconto di

Un'occasione per fare il punto della situazione and take stock of the first five months of activity, however the intent of the conference organized by the Committee of the local park of Monte Brianza, which took place this Saturday, December 11 at 11 am at the Civic Hall, "Monte di Brianza" by Ello .
During the meeting, the organizers of the creation of Plis (local park supra) explained their objective, namely to obtain consent from the people and government for the creation of the park.
The meeting was attended by among others the president of CAI Calco Luigi Panzeri, representatives of the Voluntary Ecological Guards Curone, the Mayor of Ello Elena Zambo and Vice Mayor Virginio Colombo.
Many were found to be the reasons behind this desire. Committee members are in fact convinced of the need to create the park to protect and enhance an area that happens to be located between two parks have already been recognized: the park and the park of Monte Barro Curone. The activities organized to promote the initiative to date have been of various kinds, and they just were discussed during the meeting. It 'been enabled to collect signatures from citizens of the municipalities concerned have been carried out meetings with institutions and associations, and was finally made in meetings and initiatives topic at the countries involved.
At present the trend in activity was Franco Orsenigo, spokesman for the Committee. "I want to start by thanking the City of Ello for having us here, because to be discussed in a country situated in the center of plis we want to create a double value. Having reached the end of year is important to meet to a budget, and we must remember the reason for the birth of the Committee. It wants to be a link between citizens and government, because in our opinion the birth of a plis should be something shared by all players in the game and not a choice imposed from above. It takes communication tra i soggetti per dare vita ad un'operazione coerente e concordata dal basso, anche se ovviamente saranno comunque i comuni a chiedere la realizzazione del parco alla Provincia, che assume un ruolo attivo di coordinamento".
Rilevanza è stata data alla raccolta firme, che ha ormai superato le 2000 adesioni.
"Il numero di firme ottenuto da questa raccolta, che tra l'altro non è ancora conclusa, evidenzia la volontà da parte delle persone di avere più verde e zone pulite in cui vivere".
Non solo il dialogo coi cittadini però, bensì anche quello con le associazioni e con le local government has been a focal point of the activity. Are in fact many associations that have joined as partners in the initiative, among others should remember three sections of the CAI, Legambiente, the FAI and the association Friends of Consonno. "We are already working to arrange meetings with government and stakeholders. We have already met with the Provincial Assessor to the territory Bezzi, technicians and the president of the Montana Community Lario East Valley and San Martino. At the same time we have asked to meet local governments and at the moment we have already been received from Olgiate Molgora, Ello, Olginate, Brivio, Dolzago, Airuno and Santa Maria Hoe. Many interesting clues have emerged from these meetings, and there was a concern in the hydrogeological, and abandonment of agricultural and forestry areas. The establishment of the park can help resolve these emerging problems too expensive to be addressed individually, through the mechanism of the Convention between the municipalities with an administration leader, who is in coordination. "
Lots of goals that and it is intended that the Committee considers achievable through the creation of plis It will make it possible in their view, not only the involvement of local stakeholders in the management and enhancement of the area, but also a socio economic development. Also important to the revitalization of agriculture and biodiversity conservation, especially against the risk of extinction of many species in the territories concerned.
A fundamental means, seems to be the creation of ecological corridors and a green back, especially considering the location of the park. A short but practical steps also to Virginio Colombo, Deputy Mayor of Ello, who hosted the meeting:
"It would be useful to have a coordinated effort that would also help in dealing with emergencies such as floods last August 15. I consider it important emphasize three elements to understand the importance of plis The first is the clarity in management, the second are the clear advantages that will also have local governments and the third is the need to make citizens understand how the park is an opportunity to live in a better environment ".

The Committee thanked the town of Ello for hospitality.


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