Monday, November 29, 2010

Canon Film And Digital Lenses Interchangeable


fugadeicervelli15 Come anticipato nel post precedente , gli eccellenti ciriveddhi degli stagisti, in collaborazione con l’Ufficio Tecnico del Comune di Scilla, hanno elaborato tutta una serie di progetti ed effettuato rilevazioni di cui la comunità scigghitana sa poco o nulla.
Pigghiati da un’improvvisa botta di ‘mbiria SavianFaziana, abbiamo chiesto ai tecnici prorogandi (? Speriamu!) Trainees, to provide a list of works which are employed in these two years.
We publish exclusive preview, Pirch interns, quite different from Piggie evidentementi pinseri, ndi ndi Saviano and Fazio's not sicuru Hannu tempu vannu me.
The list is not exhaustive, since they have left out a number of minor works (reordering and managing the website of the town, acts, resolutions and ... Cumpagnia scrivendu) though quantuquemente useful.
PS: Datos who 'in the list is long, you may want to print, ordinary' n or cafe 'bar and assittarsi comfortably in seats and / or chairs.
  1. - Preliminary Design" Ecocentro Scilla;
  2. - Preliminary Project "works to achieve enlargement of the cemetery of the village of Scilla Melia and its access road," Convention TERNASpA-Province of Reggio Calabria;
  3. - Preliminary Design "Road Construction Plan Favata nella frazione Solano Superiore di Scilla”, Convenzione T.E.R.N.A.-Provincia di Reggio Calabria ;
  4. − Progetto Preliminare “Riqualificazione del centro storico del quartiere San Giorgio di Scilla”, Bando PISL- Progetti Integrati di Sviluppo Locale-Scilla 2010;
  5. − Progetto Preliminare “Realizzazione di un parcheggio di interscambio modale ferro/gomma in località Pacì del Comune di Scilla”, Bando PISL- Progetti Integrati di Sviluppo Locale-Scilla 2010;
  6. − Progetto Preliminare “Riqualificazione urbanistica del centro storico di Scilla-frazione di Favazzina. Opere per la realizzazione della Via Marina: Promenade of the river crossing and Favazzina Favazzina "Call PISL-Integrated Projects Local Development Scilla-2010;
  7. - Preliminary Draft" Aid for the reconstruction of the promenade of Marina Grande, "Call-PISL Projects Integrated Local Development- Scilla 2010;
  8. - Preliminary Project "Development on the coast road linking Favazzina and rehabilitation of the area concerned;
  9. - technical expertise" emergency work for the renovation and installation of the Piazzale Monacena "
  10. - Project "works for completion di un impianto fotovoltaico preso la Scuola Media Inferiore G. Minasi di Scilla”; − Progetto
  11. “Ristrutturazione della strada di collegamento S.P.19 (Solano-Gambarie) e Piano di S. Anastasia” Misura 125 Avviso Pubblico PIAR (Progetti Integrati per le Aree Rurali);
  12. − Progetto Preliminare “lavori di realizzazione di un’opera di presa e della relativa condotta di adduzione in località Melia di Scilla” Misura 125 Avviso Pubblico PIAR (Progetti Integrati per le Aree Rurali);
  13. − Progetto Preliminare “Intervento di riqualificazione angolo Villa Comunale. Abbattimento e costruzione an AC wall containment of the embankment above;
  14. - Preliminary Design "hydraulics of streams and dell'impluvio Oliveto and Livorno (road)-Lacerello Nespolara"
  15. - Project "Strengthening and upgrading of Scilla youth centers located in the district of Marina Grande ";
  16. - Project for the construction of public facilities, consisting of two accesses to the beach to serve tourists and usable by persons with disabilities in the area falling within the Natura 2000 Network" ;
  17. - Project "Scilla più sicura. Sistema di videosorveglianza sul territorio” L.133/2008;
  18. − Progetto di restauro e riqualificazione del portico interno del Castello “Ruffo” per la realizzazione del Bookshop;
  19. − Ricognizione e stima dei danni di cui “OPCM n.3862/2010 - Gravi dissesti idrogeologici che hanno interessato il territorio della Regione Calabria nei giorni dall’11 al 17 febbraio 2010 Notifica Ordinanza Commissariale n.1/3862/2010 del 09/07/2010 e comunicazioni”;
  20. − Ricognizione e stima dei danni D.Lgs n°102 29/03/2004 e D.Lgs 82/2008 Danni alle imprese agricole: produzioni agricole e zootecniche, agricultural structure, production facilities, rural infrastructure, caused by bad weather (storm) of 2 and 3 September 2010;
  21. - Detection of mitigation 2008/2009 floods, landslides, coastal erosion, hydraulic risk , Osterreich 'and construction;
  22. - Information Services in Article. 12 of Law 265/1999, Art. 24 Municipal Civil Protection Plan;
  23. - Support the implementation of the information database of realizing Associate Municipal Structural Plan (Article 4 of the Regulations of attorney).

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Gallery Furniture Half Off


foto by V. Nuri
Voices go through the fields to answer the call,
as the men reap the fruits the Earth give us, in the fall;
you girl, see the hunter, 'fore the rise of day,
the moonlight just help him to flush out his prey.

In the cold winter, when nobody's aroun'
a hungry wild wolfpack is comin' to town,
girl you are watchin', they're goin' wary in the frost
the moonlight guide them, no they can't get lost.

Moonlovin' girl, moonlovin' girl
the full moon tonight is as white as a pearl
Moonlovin' girl, moonlovin' girl
the moonlight makes shine your long black curls.

Colors are new, like fields of gold yellow grain,
when the Earth in the spring wakes up again;
smells just fill up the air, as the moon with its light
guides ravens wanderin' from the beaches of night.

Kissed by the moon, the beach it's like a soft bed
in the summer when moonlight turns from blu into red;
sittin' by purple waters, which are changin' their streams,
as a friend to the moon, girl, you're confessin' your dreams.

Moonlovin' girl, moonlovin' girl
the full moon tonight is as white as a pearl
Moonlovin' girl, moonlovin' girl
the moonlight makes shine your long black curls.

Your beauty, you know girl, has a special ally
that guides human fate shinin' bright in the sky;
when the moon wink at you, hangin' over the sea,
you smiles, you're accomplices and forever you'll be.

Moonlovin' girl, moonlovin' girl
the full moon tonight is as white as a pearl
Moonlovin 'girl, moonlovin' girl
shine the moonlight Makes your long black curls.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mohaa Mac No Cd Patch


fuga-dei-cervelli[1] Pirdimmu the ciriveddhi!

Or at least, we risk losing them seriously.

few years ago, attending a session of degree examinations in the Faculty of Engineering, University Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, I made an impression on the final speech made by Dean: he was happy. At the same time, however, was also sad, bitter.

Because he knew that already since the day after, the same graduates would begin to send resume to burst at the largest national and international companies in hopes of getting an interview and then a job. Only those companies that are far from Reggio Calabria and Southern Italy.

The great bitterness that was apparent in the words of the headmaster, is contained in a few words, addressed to parents and friends of those young people: we grow and develop intelligence, but are other, far from here to reap the benefits . Our ciriveddhi 'ndigini, are intended to flee!

It 's been some years since that day, a lot of chatter on the merits to reward, so many words. Then, in 2008, seemed to have arrived in Calabria the turning point.

With the most transparent competition to remember the history of our region, promoted and trumpeted (and rightly) to the urban and the orbit, we selected young people living in Calabria, all graduates with 110/110, which after a undergoing training, were devoted to field test their technical and operational capabilities through the stages to be carried out at both regional structures at the various local authorities.

Some of them (three to be precise, an engineer and two architects), have done their work experience, training at the town of Scilla, on whose behalf in these past two years, in collaboration with the Technical Department of the City, have provided several preliminary drafts will be able to access funding at both regional and European level.

E 'an activity performed in a manner so scrupulous as discrete, carried out with an intensity never really seen before that in the near future now will prove very fruitful and will contribute significantly to change the face of our beautiful village.

are projects that, beyond the political choices made by the current administration, have their own intrinsic technical and scientific validity che è fuori discussione.

Certo, anche se auspicabile, non è pensabile che tutti i progetti presentati siano ammessi a finanziamento, ma almeno molti di loro hanno senz’altro buone probabilità di concretizzarsi realmente.

C’è il fondato rischio però che questa esperienza molto positiva e che ha già dato frutti importanti, abbia fine, come tutte le cose belle.

Il programma Stages 2008 aveva durata biennale e si è formalmente concluso il 21 Ottobre scorso!

In questi mesi che hanno preceduto la scadenza (fin dallo scorso Aprile), più volte gli stessi stagisti hanno tentato di far this problem to the relevant regional bodies. They did it with letters addressed to the President, Peppone Scopelliti and other events outside the headquarters of the region in that of Catanzaro.

This result, albeit minimal, but that has yet to be confirmed in practice, our young ciriveddhi 'ndigini, they got it: the Regional Council approved an amendment that reads: " in order not to squander the wealth of knowledge acquired by young people involved in the Internship Program "expects" contribution of € 10,000.00 for the shareholders who agree to enter into with each intern. ... types of contracts provided by law for a period of not less than 12 months of concerted work by a specific Memorandum of Understanding between the Regional Council, Regional Council and government users ".

Because this proposal does not remain only on paper but a reality, starting yesterday, the interns are planning a sit-in indefinitely outside the headquarters of the Regional Council riggitana. A highly civilized and democratic to have their voices heard.

And by the way, I recall the words spoken on television just last night by the President the Chamber of Deputies, in its list of values \u200b\u200bof the Right:

"The right wants to build a society where merit and ability are the only criteria to select a ruling class. The right wants a country where those who more and better work gets paid more. A country where those who study goes on. A country where those who get the deserve more recognition. The right wants an Italy that has confidence in the future because, in hindsight, has confidence in itself. And we must build the best out of nowhere this Italy, is already there. We just have to hear his voice, his deep voice. "

Well, Fini spoke of the values \u200b\u200bof the Right but, in truth, those called by the President of the Chamber are values \u200b\u200bshared by all (or at least to large extent) Italian citizens, be they right or left.

In fact, it should not seem strange, the same words with which the interns concluded hopeful and proud, in the open letter sent to the Governor Peppone (even though the Right has been a senior representative), last April: "We continue to work believe in life on the accounts, preparation, commitment, professionalism and that is that we want to Calabria, Calabria that we ourselves are."

Economic record. Finding the money needed to continue to have in our community (and other institutions Calabrese) such a resource of knowledge, it does not cost that much, especially if compared to objective benefits that a small community such as Scilla can be learned.

Building upon the sum of € 10,000.00 per year for each trainee as provided for in the region, means that to continue to benefit from the work of young engineers who have worked in Scilla, are € 30,000.00.

Considering that our paisuzzo has 5,125 inhabitants, it means that the three ciriveddhi it would cost just under € 6.00 yearly scigghitanu, which DIRI 50 cents, or 'put! If this is so, I personally am willing to bring my six Reggio € Puru in danger!

CARO Pepper

Peppone Dear Governor, I would, for once, they enter from the absurd (the) political bipolar logic according to which everything that makes a political party, the other scrap.

are stupid arguments of who is the Curtu ciriveddhu. But you, dear Peppone is' bellu longu, Randi and grossu, pirce if the man has a basis of Vitruvius (Hail), your brain should be same.

Loiero If the junta has been responsible for starting this project, come to your duty it is to make it go forward, for one good reason: because the Community rinnu Previti, is all well and good. The merits, if any, will be recognized later.

After the nice words-such as those laid down by your former President, the above-which, of course, you can not disagree, it would be nice to follow the facts.

So, to paraphrase a famous director, I tell you, dear Peppone the Governor, do something right!

And make it soon, too, otherwise these our ciriveddhi, following the fashion in vogue these days, and having to be forced on the roof (Pirch stations and platforms are already occupied by LSU-LPU).

scigghitano If, however, the question arises: what about the roof?

Chiddhu Cumün ru? No, it is more com cumbinatu who spunda there is a risk, because I support Rineschi crowd gathering sulu 'na vote for this year: there quandu' u trionfinu.

Chiddhu casteddhu ru? No, mancu. Because of the consolidation work already undertaken, it would be dangerous to public safety.

then remains just another possibilities: 'u' ffacciaturi. E 'at the same height of the castle, but in addition, it is bellu chair and able to accommodate all ciriveddhi calabrisi misunderstood, as well as for historical mission, it has always done and will do with those scigghitani.

The only danger could be posed by the risk of falling ... nt bucu more lift. But it is still a danger far and I hope the problem will be resolved before the danger becomes real.

Saviano translating language 'ndigina I could say that only that part of Calabria who can defeat the ciriveddhi healthy ddhi ciriveddhi micciu calabrisi who now have haunted not only Italy but also the entire world.

fuiforti But in Calabria we are giving the wrong medicine to those who u ciriveddhu the giustu Hannu: The Fuiforti!

E fuìri them strong, pass up a human resource professional and well qualified, so great, as well as incomprehensible would be unforgivable: put the brain drain is an action that can afford to make only one who is went to the brain drain!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

How Much Does It Cost To Rent A Speed Boat

Vico Equense On Line
Thursday, November 25, 2010

The City seeks three detectors

Vico Equense - The Office of Municipal Statistics census, as required by law and the provisions of Istat - National Institute of Statistics - Census on buildings and on the collection of house numbers (RNC), will give No 3 positions of detector census. the positions of the detector will be performed approximately in the period from 10 December 2010-14 March 2011, except for any otherwise Istat - National Institute of Statistics -. The detectors in the survey areas of the municipality allocated to them by the Municipal Census, ensuring the completion of cadastral activities in a timely manner. The commission will consist of a relationship casual self, and will be paid a gross salary commensurate with the number and type of census questionnaires regularly recognized, according to the parameters prescribed by the regulations on the census. The remuneration will be subject to deductions due under the applicable laws and in no circumstances exceed the amount of € 2,000.00 per capita also including the workload of the organization. Applicants must be residents of the assignment in the town of Vico Equense and hold the baccalaureate or master builder surveyor - Architecture - Building Engineering Sciences - Sciences of urban planning - landscape and environment - Degree in old system or architecture degree. The lower limit of the appointment of age is the age of 18. Requests to participate must be received by December 9, 2010.