Thursday, December 23, 2010

Can I Use Orajel For Cold Sore In The Mouth


(versione anglo-natalizia di “Sei Ottavi” di Rino Gaetano)

Fake decked out trees wink at me from the glass of the windows,
and all the streets are adorned with artificial rainbows.
Oh, it's always the same, but it brings somethin' new,
on cold Christmas time, this is my carol for you.

Children keep playing, they're gathered all in a round,
they’re singing old carols, they like their tunes and their sound.
You listen to them, you become like a child again,
you are safe at home, heedless of the blowin' rain.

The ancient times live again inside the crib scene,
the memory of somethin' we lost in our days' din.
From being so far maybe you had some bad fit of spleen,
in these long months so strange, which weren't so green.

And merry ribbons are hangin' on every door,
through which are comin' some smells you can't find anymore.
In these days you can feel the warmth of the family heat,
it's one of the things which make your own life complete.

So now on this very special star-spangied night,
I'd be really glad and I would have my great delight,
even if your little dreams come true May all,
Christmas is comin 'an' this is my carol for you.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Reflux And Sores In Mouth

Olginate says YES From the plis

the day Tuesday, 12/21/2010 City Council has Olginate Express - with almost unanimous vote (only one abstention) - his favor plis to our project by adopting a resolution of intent sent by the junta to work towards this goal.

Here di seguito il testo della delibera:



Premesso che:
-          il territorio del Monte di Brianza/San Genesio costituisce la dorsale verde Montevecchia/Monte Barro;
-          la Regione Lombardia , con la Legge Regionale n. 86/1983, aveva inserito quest'area nell'elenco di quelle di particolare rilevanza naturale e ambientale e, successivamente, aveva previsto, con la L.R. n. 32/1996, l'istituzione di un Parco Regionale;
-          la proposta è stata recepita nel 2004 dal Piano Territoriale di Coordinamento della Provincia di Lecco che prevede la costituzione del Parco Locale di Interesse Sovraccomunale (PLIS) denominato “ Colle Brianza – S. Genesio ", corridoio ecologico fondamentale per la tutela ambientale e naturalistica della Provincia di Lecco.

Considerato che:
-          il contesto altamente urbanizzato della Brianza Lecchese tende ad accrescere notevolmente il rischio idrogeologico del nostro territorio, oltre ad aumentare il livello degli inquinanti rilasciati nell'aria e nell'acqua;
-          consumption or abandonment of land and its natural heritage has impoverished the landscape within a few generations. The harmful effects have become increasingly evident and this has spread among the public a greater awareness of the importance of cultural and environmental heritage, promoting in recent years the emergence of agriculture in Valletta Plis, S. Pietro al Monte / S. Thomas, S. Valley Martin del Rio and Vallone.
- The desire to curb the deterioration and abandonment, passes anche attraverso la tutela delle aree agricole e boschive, è già parte pregnante dei singoli P.G.T. deliberati o in corso di predisposizione.

Rilevato che:
-          la tutela proposta   per il Monte di Brianza nasce dalla volontà dei cittadini e delle Amministrazioni con lo scopo di valorizzare questo territorio, conservandone il paesaggio tradizionale, l'architettura rurale, la flora e la fauna, le coltivazioni e l'equilibrio tra l'uomo e l'ambiente;
- iI plis "Monte di Brianza" will also boost the local economy by promoting eco-tourism for the proper use of the territory itself, which can offer a wide range of courses aimed at healthy recreation and environmental education. It must be remembered meadows, forests and cultivated this land are the result of sustained action and reasoned man for several centuries. The equilibrium laboriously created and maintained by our ancestors for a long time and require constant maintenance work continues here is therefore the need to design (the first) to plan and implement (then) all the practices designed to implement the conservation plan in a clear assumption of responsibility that, in a coordinated manner, exceeds the indifference and sporadic interventions.

also noted that this vision implies the involvement of residents, farmers, hunters, owners, associations that recognize an interest in the implementation of Plis and shared, including through the establishment of a consultation .

acknowledging that through the establishment of Plis can access the EU funding and expanding the horizons for the executive (such as was done with the financing of the restoration of "Sentierone" Montevecchia - Barro recently obtained by the same name Parks).;


- to authorize the Town Council for you to start consultations with local governments and other institutions involved in the project coordinated by the Province, which will recognize the Plis at the request of municipalities, in order to give practical effect to the creation of a framework convention, as is already the case for other services, enabling achieving the objectives set out in the introduction in the form of a plis.

We can not tell us that met for the initiative that Olginate, serving as a forerunner in relation to other interested municipalities, shows a real determination to take concrete action to implement the project plis, in consideration of the favor that this resolution has met with all political parties in council, where there was agreement between the majority and opposition.

What To Write On An Engagement Card

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Friday, December 17, 2010

How To Treat A Swolen Knee

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Monday, December 13, 2010

Male Brazilian Wax Erection

Conference Ello: service de "La Provincia"

Photo: Franco Orsenigo spokesman with the mayor and deputy mayor Ello Elena Zambetti Virginio Colombo

Park of Monte di Brianza: ecological corridor from protect

The "Committee for the Promotion of the local park of Monte Brianza," five months of the establishment, drafted an initial report yesterday announcing further actions on the territory to get to the birth of 'Plis' through' shared choices in the preservation and enhancement. " The strategy includes "collecting signatures, meeting with institutions and associations, meetings and initiatives in the countries involved in the subject."
signatures in support of the park are 2000 so far: "To achieve this - they said yesterday, among others, Pierfranco Mastalli Legambiente, Franco Orsenigo, Luigi Panzeri and Matthew Fumagali Committee - has been determined in the presence various events and the testimony from local government, Pro Loco, parishes, other agencies and with citizens proof of the transversality of the proposal. At the moment we have been active in Olgiate Molgora, Consonno, Oggiono, Brivio, Garlate, Merate, Osnago Montevecchia, Calco and Cernusco Lombardone. We met with the Provincial Councillor for the Territory, Bezzi, technicians and the president of Eastern Mountain Community Lario and San Martino valley, all involved in various capacities in the initiative. We asked to meet with the municipalities and at the time we were received by Olgiate, Ello, Olginate, Brivio, Dolzago, Airuno Hoè and Santa Maria. "
These meetings allowed the Committee to have "important information about its willingness to establish the Plis by including within its borders different levels of territorial government and its "rules of the plans, but also to express concerns about the commitment and financial strategies for involving people." In the interviews there has been a near-unique concern for the hydrogeological, abandonment of farmland and forests' local administrators, the Committee reiterated that the establishment of the park will "facilitate resolution of emerging problems, otherwise too expensive be addressed individually. " The park will be managed through agreements between the municipalities in fact, one of whom lead. "A meeting - said the committee - is already programmed with Colle Brianza, mentre proseguono i contatti con Oggiono, Castello e Valgreghentino; si attendono ancora risposte da Galbiate e Garlate. Oltre le associazioni che hanno aderito al Comitato, abbiamo contatti con altre realtà che operano sul territorio: l'obiettivo è sempre di evitare che l'istituzione del parco sia vissuta come calata dall'alto e non come una necessità e, di conseguenza, una volontà. E' stata incontrata ad esempio una delegazione di cacciatori per ribadire come il parco non influisca sulla loro attività, regolata da una legge regionale».
«Il territorio del Monte di Brianza e del San Genesio costituisce la dorsale verde tra la Valle del Curone di Montevecchia e il Monte Barro, già parchi riconosciuti a livello regionale. Il piano territoriale della Provincia individua il parco locale del Monte di Brianza come corridoio ecologico fondamentale».

Patrizia Zucchi (La Provincia)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Malm Occasional Table Size Bed Frame?

press conference Saturday, 12/11

Sabato 11 dicembre si è svolta presso la sala civica di Ello denominata (non a caso) "Monte di Brianza" una conferenza stampa organizzata dal nostro Comitato per fare il punto della situazione della propria attività ad oggi.
Ecco il resoconto di

Un'occasione per fare il punto della situazione and take stock of the first five months of activity, however the intent of the conference organized by the Committee of the local park of Monte Brianza, which took place this Saturday, December 11 at 11 am at the Civic Hall, "Monte di Brianza" by Ello .
During the meeting, the organizers of the creation of Plis (local park supra) explained their objective, namely to obtain consent from the people and government for the creation of the park.
The meeting was attended by among others the president of CAI Calco Luigi Panzeri, representatives of the Voluntary Ecological Guards Curone, the Mayor of Ello Elena Zambo and Vice Mayor Virginio Colombo.
Many were found to be the reasons behind this desire. Committee members are in fact convinced of the need to create the park to protect and enhance an area that happens to be located between two parks have already been recognized: the park and the park of Monte Barro Curone. The activities organized to promote the initiative to date have been of various kinds, and they just were discussed during the meeting. It 'been enabled to collect signatures from citizens of the municipalities concerned have been carried out meetings with institutions and associations, and was finally made in meetings and initiatives topic at the countries involved.
At present the trend in activity was Franco Orsenigo, spokesman for the Committee. "I want to start by thanking the City of Ello for having us here, because to be discussed in a country situated in the center of plis we want to create a double value. Having reached the end of year is important to meet to a budget, and we must remember the reason for the birth of the Committee. It wants to be a link between citizens and government, because in our opinion the birth of a plis should be something shared by all players in the game and not a choice imposed from above. It takes communication tra i soggetti per dare vita ad un'operazione coerente e concordata dal basso, anche se ovviamente saranno comunque i comuni a chiedere la realizzazione del parco alla Provincia, che assume un ruolo attivo di coordinamento".
Rilevanza è stata data alla raccolta firme, che ha ormai superato le 2000 adesioni.
"Il numero di firme ottenuto da questa raccolta, che tra l'altro non è ancora conclusa, evidenzia la volontà da parte delle persone di avere più verde e zone pulite in cui vivere".
Non solo il dialogo coi cittadini però, bensì anche quello con le associazioni e con le local government has been a focal point of the activity. Are in fact many associations that have joined as partners in the initiative, among others should remember three sections of the CAI, Legambiente, the FAI and the association Friends of Consonno. "We are already working to arrange meetings with government and stakeholders. We have already met with the Provincial Assessor to the territory Bezzi, technicians and the president of the Montana Community Lario East Valley and San Martino. At the same time we have asked to meet local governments and at the moment we have already been received from Olgiate Molgora, Ello, Olginate, Brivio, Dolzago, Airuno and Santa Maria Hoe. Many interesting clues have emerged from these meetings, and there was a concern in the hydrogeological, and abandonment of agricultural and forestry areas. The establishment of the park can help resolve these emerging problems too expensive to be addressed individually, through the mechanism of the Convention between the municipalities with an administration leader, who is in coordination. "
Lots of goals that and it is intended that the Committee considers achievable through the creation of plis It will make it possible in their view, not only the involvement of local stakeholders in the management and enhancement of the area, but also a socio economic development. Also important to the revitalization of agriculture and biodiversity conservation, especially against the risk of extinction of many species in the territories concerned.
A fundamental means, seems to be the creation of ecological corridors and a green back, especially considering the location of the park. A short but practical steps also to Virginio Colombo, Deputy Mayor of Ello, who hosted the meeting:
"It would be useful to have a coordinated effort that would also help in dealing with emergencies such as floods last August 15. I consider it important emphasize three elements to understand the importance of plis The first is the clarity in management, the second are the clear advantages that will also have local governments and the third is the need to make citizens understand how the park is an opportunity to live in a better environment ".

The Committee thanked the town of Ello for hospitality.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Morrowind Enemy Health Bar


Alessandro Sala-The sound of the night
taken from
Who 'u iornu Brisca the t'assali hurry, you
iazi and' to-face with '' a Iact you brush.
Nesci and then goes' ddrittu, is' to mind the strata,
'to a' head 'n Scan rioggiu who 'To iurnata.

If there nails or 'u suli, lu almost mancu know
Pirch the eyes o' them cielu iazi ever.
But I was, yes t'affanni almost lose sciatu lu,
curri you with 'a' n trenu ch 'has' u binariu signatu.

Then 'rriva the sira and' on to 'stop the cursa:
shots' to Linia, you stop, think, think. And you riviri
ddh'occhi, ddha laugh resentment
who, sbituatu, you seemed to chiddha 'n friends.

But the view you squander on 'cuntenti' to the 'rich,
shares' na ndo symphony choirs who you zzicchi.
Già, pirchì ddha risata e ddhu sguardu sinceru,
ti li sa donari sul cu' è amicu veru.

E mentri ti culla nta notti ddhu sonu,
tu non 'spetti atru: mi ricambi lu donu!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How To Adhere Swarovski To Cell Phone

Committee issue a sausage Rovagnate

The event, now known to all, it relates to a confrontation between City of Rovagnate on one side and the other sausage Beretta SpA for the construction of a new industrial town between Hazel and Mat, a piece of the campaign characterized inter alia by a habitat rich in water, ditches, canals. Habitat increasingly rare in our area. Place designated by the City and Province as ecological corridor between the Park and the Regional Montevechia Curone and Monte Brianza, the territory for the protection of which we are fighting in person.
why we act decisively in the matter to express our total and unconditional opposition. A park is not a closed box but must interact with the surrounding areas, ecological corridors and green areas with the borders are fundamental to any ecosystem that will go to protect.

Returning to the story, according to the management of the food industry rovagnatese the council would be slowed beyond all limits the project to build the new shed that could Rovagnate (forse!) to work to 300 people. Put that way by a certain local solidarity entrepreneur is granted. But the story is a bit 'more complex as it is told and, as often happens in these All positive cases are enhanced by check (such as new jobs) and minimize if not completely ignore the negative environmental impact made basically end up a burden on all citizens, without needing benefits or share in real Somehow the rich capital gains that are realized by changing the urban use of land.

We do not want to go into the question, already difficult in itself, let alone the rights acquired by individuals. What is striking is the ability of the province to intervene by modifying the PTCP by leaking a schizophrenic attitude, the ecological corridor that involves removing part of the area to release and promote the positive outcome of the negotiation. Corridor that the council had correctly instead, and has every intention of preserving, hoping for a coherent approach by the province.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

How Long Can You Be Bloated

The importance BOSCO

One of the reasons why people want to protect at all costs the territory of the Monte Brianza is the importance of preservation of the "forest" for survival of our planet. well aware in Cancun, Mexico, where - in the World Conference on Climate Change, until December 10 - 194 at present governments will try to reach agreement on reforestation, especially in developing countries and to save the rainforests from degradation.

A reservoir for greenhouse gas emissions that would otherwise end up where alzerebbero the global average temperature of the planet. This mega-sponge steals CO2 to the atmosphere giving oxygen is represented by forests and woods.

From little-known tropical forests of Africa to the Amazon, up to the reality of our forests Brianza, they are reservoirs that absorb 30% of emissions. Only deforestation is, in fact, due to 1.5 billion tonnes of emissions per year resulting from the worldwide eradication of 13 million hectares of green each year.

Even the UN has laid down its importance after 2010, dedicated to biodiversity, said the 2011 International Year of Forests. There is also a special program to save the forests International called Redd (Reducing Emissions from deforestation and forest degradation): the idea is to increase the sequestration of atmospheric carbon through incentives to protect both the forests and biodiversity.

In Italy, according to preliminary results of the Body State Forestry, the National Forest Inventory and reservoirs of carbon show - for example - a billion euro in savings due to cutting emissions by forests (under the Kyoto Protocol). Furthermore, based on survey of more than 300,000 points of the country, Tuscany and Sardinia are the regions that are more forest land.

In Italy and most of the forests (68%) is deciduous, 64% of the areas Busch are privately owned. 28.5% of the forest falls within protected areas. And 16% of the forest is located within the first 300 meters of altitude above sea level, only 3% over 1,800 meters high. A third of the Italian territory is composed of forests at 10.5 million hectares, of which 8.7 million hectares defined on the basis of FAO. Every inhabitant has available 1,498 square feet berries.

E 'is therefore essential to take care of our forests as possible, even in our little corner of the world.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Canon Film And Digital Lenses Interchangeable


fugadeicervelli15 Come anticipato nel post precedente , gli eccellenti ciriveddhi degli stagisti, in collaborazione con l’Ufficio Tecnico del Comune di Scilla, hanno elaborato tutta una serie di progetti ed effettuato rilevazioni di cui la comunità scigghitana sa poco o nulla.
Pigghiati da un’improvvisa botta di ‘mbiria SavianFaziana, abbiamo chiesto ai tecnici prorogandi (? Speriamu!) Trainees, to provide a list of works which are employed in these two years.
We publish exclusive preview, Pirch interns, quite different from Piggie evidentementi pinseri, ndi ndi Saviano and Fazio's not sicuru Hannu tempu vannu me.
The list is not exhaustive, since they have left out a number of minor works (reordering and managing the website of the town, acts, resolutions and ... Cumpagnia scrivendu) though quantuquemente useful.
PS: Datos who 'in the list is long, you may want to print, ordinary' n or cafe 'bar and assittarsi comfortably in seats and / or chairs.
  1. - Preliminary Design" Ecocentro Scilla;
  2. - Preliminary Project "works to achieve enlargement of the cemetery of the village of Scilla Melia and its access road," Convention TERNASpA-Province of Reggio Calabria;
  3. - Preliminary Design "Road Construction Plan Favata nella frazione Solano Superiore di Scilla”, Convenzione T.E.R.N.A.-Provincia di Reggio Calabria ;
  4. − Progetto Preliminare “Riqualificazione del centro storico del quartiere San Giorgio di Scilla”, Bando PISL- Progetti Integrati di Sviluppo Locale-Scilla 2010;
  5. − Progetto Preliminare “Realizzazione di un parcheggio di interscambio modale ferro/gomma in località Pacì del Comune di Scilla”, Bando PISL- Progetti Integrati di Sviluppo Locale-Scilla 2010;
  6. − Progetto Preliminare “Riqualificazione urbanistica del centro storico di Scilla-frazione di Favazzina. Opere per la realizzazione della Via Marina: Promenade of the river crossing and Favazzina Favazzina "Call PISL-Integrated Projects Local Development Scilla-2010;
  7. - Preliminary Draft" Aid for the reconstruction of the promenade of Marina Grande, "Call-PISL Projects Integrated Local Development- Scilla 2010;
  8. - Preliminary Project "Development on the coast road linking Favazzina and rehabilitation of the area concerned;
  9. - technical expertise" emergency work for the renovation and installation of the Piazzale Monacena "
  10. - Project "works for completion di un impianto fotovoltaico preso la Scuola Media Inferiore G. Minasi di Scilla”; − Progetto
  11. “Ristrutturazione della strada di collegamento S.P.19 (Solano-Gambarie) e Piano di S. Anastasia” Misura 125 Avviso Pubblico PIAR (Progetti Integrati per le Aree Rurali);
  12. − Progetto Preliminare “lavori di realizzazione di un’opera di presa e della relativa condotta di adduzione in località Melia di Scilla” Misura 125 Avviso Pubblico PIAR (Progetti Integrati per le Aree Rurali);
  13. − Progetto Preliminare “Intervento di riqualificazione angolo Villa Comunale. Abbattimento e costruzione an AC wall containment of the embankment above;
  14. - Preliminary Design "hydraulics of streams and dell'impluvio Oliveto and Livorno (road)-Lacerello Nespolara"
  15. - Project "Strengthening and upgrading of Scilla youth centers located in the district of Marina Grande ";
  16. - Project for the construction of public facilities, consisting of two accesses to the beach to serve tourists and usable by persons with disabilities in the area falling within the Natura 2000 Network" ;
  17. - Project "Scilla più sicura. Sistema di videosorveglianza sul territorio” L.133/2008;
  18. − Progetto di restauro e riqualificazione del portico interno del Castello “Ruffo” per la realizzazione del Bookshop;
  19. − Ricognizione e stima dei danni di cui “OPCM n.3862/2010 - Gravi dissesti idrogeologici che hanno interessato il territorio della Regione Calabria nei giorni dall’11 al 17 febbraio 2010 Notifica Ordinanza Commissariale n.1/3862/2010 del 09/07/2010 e comunicazioni”;
  20. − Ricognizione e stima dei danni D.Lgs n°102 29/03/2004 e D.Lgs 82/2008 Danni alle imprese agricole: produzioni agricole e zootecniche, agricultural structure, production facilities, rural infrastructure, caused by bad weather (storm) of 2 and 3 September 2010;
  21. - Detection of mitigation 2008/2009 floods, landslides, coastal erosion, hydraulic risk , Osterreich 'and construction;
  22. - Information Services in Article. 12 of Law 265/1999, Art. 24 Municipal Civil Protection Plan;
  23. - Support the implementation of the information database of realizing Associate Municipal Structural Plan (Article 4 of the Regulations of attorney).

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Gallery Furniture Half Off


foto by V. Nuri
Voices go through the fields to answer the call,
as the men reap the fruits the Earth give us, in the fall;
you girl, see the hunter, 'fore the rise of day,
the moonlight just help him to flush out his prey.

In the cold winter, when nobody's aroun'
a hungry wild wolfpack is comin' to town,
girl you are watchin', they're goin' wary in the frost
the moonlight guide them, no they can't get lost.

Moonlovin' girl, moonlovin' girl
the full moon tonight is as white as a pearl
Moonlovin' girl, moonlovin' girl
the moonlight makes shine your long black curls.

Colors are new, like fields of gold yellow grain,
when the Earth in the spring wakes up again;
smells just fill up the air, as the moon with its light
guides ravens wanderin' from the beaches of night.

Kissed by the moon, the beach it's like a soft bed
in the summer when moonlight turns from blu into red;
sittin' by purple waters, which are changin' their streams,
as a friend to the moon, girl, you're confessin' your dreams.

Moonlovin' girl, moonlovin' girl
the full moon tonight is as white as a pearl
Moonlovin' girl, moonlovin' girl
the moonlight makes shine your long black curls.

Your beauty, you know girl, has a special ally
that guides human fate shinin' bright in the sky;
when the moon wink at you, hangin' over the sea,
you smiles, you're accomplices and forever you'll be.

Moonlovin' girl, moonlovin' girl
the full moon tonight is as white as a pearl
Moonlovin 'girl, moonlovin' girl
shine the moonlight Makes your long black curls.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mohaa Mac No Cd Patch


fuga-dei-cervelli[1] Pirdimmu the ciriveddhi!

Or at least, we risk losing them seriously.

few years ago, attending a session of degree examinations in the Faculty of Engineering, University Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, I made an impression on the final speech made by Dean: he was happy. At the same time, however, was also sad, bitter.

Because he knew that already since the day after, the same graduates would begin to send resume to burst at the largest national and international companies in hopes of getting an interview and then a job. Only those companies that are far from Reggio Calabria and Southern Italy.

The great bitterness that was apparent in the words of the headmaster, is contained in a few words, addressed to parents and friends of those young people: we grow and develop intelligence, but are other, far from here to reap the benefits . Our ciriveddhi 'ndigini, are intended to flee!

It 's been some years since that day, a lot of chatter on the merits to reward, so many words. Then, in 2008, seemed to have arrived in Calabria the turning point.

With the most transparent competition to remember the history of our region, promoted and trumpeted (and rightly) to the urban and the orbit, we selected young people living in Calabria, all graduates with 110/110, which after a undergoing training, were devoted to field test their technical and operational capabilities through the stages to be carried out at both regional structures at the various local authorities.

Some of them (three to be precise, an engineer and two architects), have done their work experience, training at the town of Scilla, on whose behalf in these past two years, in collaboration with the Technical Department of the City, have provided several preliminary drafts will be able to access funding at both regional and European level.

E 'an activity performed in a manner so scrupulous as discrete, carried out with an intensity never really seen before that in the near future now will prove very fruitful and will contribute significantly to change the face of our beautiful village.

are projects that, beyond the political choices made by the current administration, have their own intrinsic technical and scientific validity che è fuori discussione.

Certo, anche se auspicabile, non è pensabile che tutti i progetti presentati siano ammessi a finanziamento, ma almeno molti di loro hanno senz’altro buone probabilità di concretizzarsi realmente.

C’è il fondato rischio però che questa esperienza molto positiva e che ha già dato frutti importanti, abbia fine, come tutte le cose belle.

Il programma Stages 2008 aveva durata biennale e si è formalmente concluso il 21 Ottobre scorso!

In questi mesi che hanno preceduto la scadenza (fin dallo scorso Aprile), più volte gli stessi stagisti hanno tentato di far this problem to the relevant regional bodies. They did it with letters addressed to the President, Peppone Scopelliti and other events outside the headquarters of the region in that of Catanzaro.

This result, albeit minimal, but that has yet to be confirmed in practice, our young ciriveddhi 'ndigini, they got it: the Regional Council approved an amendment that reads: " in order not to squander the wealth of knowledge acquired by young people involved in the Internship Program "expects" contribution of € 10,000.00 for the shareholders who agree to enter into with each intern. ... types of contracts provided by law for a period of not less than 12 months of concerted work by a specific Memorandum of Understanding between the Regional Council, Regional Council and government users ".

Because this proposal does not remain only on paper but a reality, starting yesterday, the interns are planning a sit-in indefinitely outside the headquarters of the Regional Council riggitana. A highly civilized and democratic to have their voices heard.

And by the way, I recall the words spoken on television just last night by the President the Chamber of Deputies, in its list of values \u200b\u200bof the Right:

"The right wants to build a society where merit and ability are the only criteria to select a ruling class. The right wants a country where those who more and better work gets paid more. A country where those who study goes on. A country where those who get the deserve more recognition. The right wants an Italy that has confidence in the future because, in hindsight, has confidence in itself. And we must build the best out of nowhere this Italy, is already there. We just have to hear his voice, his deep voice. "

Well, Fini spoke of the values \u200b\u200bof the Right but, in truth, those called by the President of the Chamber are values \u200b\u200bshared by all (or at least to large extent) Italian citizens, be they right or left.

In fact, it should not seem strange, the same words with which the interns concluded hopeful and proud, in the open letter sent to the Governor Peppone (even though the Right has been a senior representative), last April: "We continue to work believe in life on the accounts, preparation, commitment, professionalism and that is that we want to Calabria, Calabria that we ourselves are."

Economic record. Finding the money needed to continue to have in our community (and other institutions Calabrese) such a resource of knowledge, it does not cost that much, especially if compared to objective benefits that a small community such as Scilla can be learned.

Building upon the sum of € 10,000.00 per year for each trainee as provided for in the region, means that to continue to benefit from the work of young engineers who have worked in Scilla, are € 30,000.00.

Considering that our paisuzzo has 5,125 inhabitants, it means that the three ciriveddhi it would cost just under € 6.00 yearly scigghitanu, which DIRI 50 cents, or 'put! If this is so, I personally am willing to bring my six Reggio € Puru in danger!

CARO Pepper

Peppone Dear Governor, I would, for once, they enter from the absurd (the) political bipolar logic according to which everything that makes a political party, the other scrap.

are stupid arguments of who is the Curtu ciriveddhu. But you, dear Peppone is' bellu longu, Randi and grossu, pirce if the man has a basis of Vitruvius (Hail), your brain should be same.

Loiero If the junta has been responsible for starting this project, come to your duty it is to make it go forward, for one good reason: because the Community rinnu Previti, is all well and good. The merits, if any, will be recognized later.

After the nice words-such as those laid down by your former President, the above-which, of course, you can not disagree, it would be nice to follow the facts.

So, to paraphrase a famous director, I tell you, dear Peppone the Governor, do something right!

And make it soon, too, otherwise these our ciriveddhi, following the fashion in vogue these days, and having to be forced on the roof (Pirch stations and platforms are already occupied by LSU-LPU).

scigghitano If, however, the question arises: what about the roof?

Chiddhu Cumün ru? No, it is more com cumbinatu who spunda there is a risk, because I support Rineschi crowd gathering sulu 'na vote for this year: there quandu' u trionfinu.

Chiddhu casteddhu ru? No, mancu. Because of the consolidation work already undertaken, it would be dangerous to public safety.

then remains just another possibilities: 'u' ffacciaturi. E 'at the same height of the castle, but in addition, it is bellu chair and able to accommodate all ciriveddhi calabrisi misunderstood, as well as for historical mission, it has always done and will do with those scigghitani.

The only danger could be posed by the risk of falling ... nt bucu more lift. But it is still a danger far and I hope the problem will be resolved before the danger becomes real.

Saviano translating language 'ndigina I could say that only that part of Calabria who can defeat the ciriveddhi healthy ddhi ciriveddhi micciu calabrisi who now have haunted not only Italy but also the entire world.

fuiforti But in Calabria we are giving the wrong medicine to those who u ciriveddhu the giustu Hannu: The Fuiforti!

E fuìri them strong, pass up a human resource professional and well qualified, so great, as well as incomprehensible would be unforgivable: put the brain drain is an action that can afford to make only one who is went to the brain drain!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

How Much Does It Cost To Rent A Speed Boat

Vico Equense On Line
Thursday, November 25, 2010

The City seeks three detectors

Vico Equense - The Office of Municipal Statistics census, as required by law and the provisions of Istat - National Institute of Statistics - Census on buildings and on the collection of house numbers (RNC), will give No 3 positions of detector census. the positions of the detector will be performed approximately in the period from 10 December 2010-14 March 2011, except for any otherwise Istat - National Institute of Statistics -. The detectors in the survey areas of the municipality allocated to them by the Municipal Census, ensuring the completion of cadastral activities in a timely manner. The commission will consist of a relationship casual self, and will be paid a gross salary commensurate with the number and type of census questionnaires regularly recognized, according to the parameters prescribed by the regulations on the census. The remuneration will be subject to deductions due under the applicable laws and in no circumstances exceed the amount of € 2,000.00 per capita also including the workload of the organization. Applicants must be residents of the assignment in the town of Vico Equense and hold the baccalaureate or master builder surveyor - Architecture - Building Engineering Sciences - Sciences of urban planning - landscape and environment - Degree in old system or architecture degree. The lower limit of the appointment of age is the age of 18. Requests to participate must be received by December 9, 2010.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Answers To Ap Bio Lab 9


(transposition scigghitana di “Creep” dei Radiohead)

E ti viru ccà fora,
chi occhi chi hai!
ruci su' com' o' meli,
bella, o' iocu nci stai.

Cu ddh' occhi mi sfidi,
punti iatu, d'accordu,
ieu su' fattu mali,
tu gioia riali.

'U iocu (a)ippi, ma cu tia, perdu,
chi si' bella quandu riri!
Non t’ ’u pozzu diri.

Com' o' suli di Marzu
ropu 'a nivi sì nci 'oli,
'spettu li to' risati,
'spettu sì ddhi paroli.

Ma ieu subitu 'u 'ntisi,
no, nenti cangiau,
tu gioia riali,
ieu su' fattu mali.

'U iocu (a)ippi, ma cu tia, perdu,
chi si' bella quandu riri!
Non t’ ’u pozzu diri.

Oh, Oh, sì, cusì pavu pegnu
Sì, randi 'u pavu!
Sì, randi, randi, randi!

Iucar ieu non seppi,
non c'è confrontu:
tu gioia riali,
ieu su' fattu mali.

'U iocu (a)ippi, ma cu tia, perdu,
who is' beautiful quandu riri!
not t '' u Pozzu DIRI.
not t '' u Pozzu DIRI.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

How To You Un Become A Fan On Facebook


duce Who Pais who is Italy!

In 1982, the year of victory at the World Cup in Spain, Sandro Pertini was in the stands, cheering on every goal in the first blue. At the San Remo Festival the following year, 'na canzuni Toto Cutugno (the Italian), paid tribute to the Italian village, who had "a partisan for president."

Passaru almost thirty years and, if anything had Toto Cutugno 'ntinzioni partecipari of the festival in 2011, could write that song?

Sure, President Napolitano is the only remaining bastion of educational policy and kind of that time in our history, almost with contempt-identified as "First Republic". A policy made mostly through the press, a press that was basically a party in the sense that each political group had its own official organ of information (Unit, the Forward, the People, the Voice of the Republican, the Century XIX, etc.)..

There was no need to offend anyone because it recognized the right of others to think differently: it ognunu ligga chiddhu who was liked and NCI cuntentu.

is no longer the case. News channels have proliferated and, above all, a time when news came out now is very short: if someone has sneezed in New York at this time Pirch avi 'u raffridduri, we know now, Puru in Scilla.

There is more. Because the parties (and the propaganda machines that were behind, including official papers) were sent to be strabenedire the "new" Italian politicians in the name of renewal, a comparison-or perhaps I should call it collision-is on a personal level.

cchiu tempu passes, the more we realize it is difficult today to find two politicians capable of dealing with a serious conversation for more than five minutes without throwing the worst insults him.

all speak, but nobody listens to anybody.

is therefore possible that the only way to be heard and attract the attention of the video is sent over the network. The Web is the modern balcony of Palazzo Venezia: Mussolini when you looked out, turned to the silent square. Today, Berlusconi, Fini (to name only the most recent cases) are turning to ecumenism through a camera just as silent.

To tell you the truth, our politicians are not primi a utilizzare le possibilità offerte dal web. Negli Stati Uniti Obama li ha preceduti: il tradizionale discorso del sabato, che fin dai tempi di Lincoln veniva diffuso via radio, da tempo oramai raggiunge gli americani attraverso il sito della Casa Bianca.

Ma il primo in assoluto a comprendere l’importanza della rete è stato, ahinoi!, Osama Bin Laden, i cui video-messaggi (deliranti sì, ma drammaticamente efficaci) sono un’arma potentissima per fare proseliti.

Cosa centra, direte voi, Osama con Fini e Berlusconi? Niente, per fortuna. Ma, fatte le dovute proporzioni, dalle loro parole è nato e cresciuto quel “clima di odio”. Le motivazioni are certainly different and very deep differences, but the end result is obvious, you can not deny, is strikingly similar.

What song could be written today, then Toto?

Well, Sanremo certainly can not speak of hate, is nu festival. Indeed, it is nu popular national festivals.

So, given that the President of the Republic has already dedicated the song, pace of Napolitano could write a song about Chairman of the Board: President as a joke!

favorite target of humor is misunderstood by Cavalier Berlusca Rosy Bindi the poor: there are already four times that Silvio devotes so much attention. How

says that saying? "Who wants to buy it despises."

me there is a doubt want to see that the Cavalier with his heel after attending all kinds of tissue, letters and the like, after being passed by thousands and thousands of dinners with his deputies, after closing a deal with Ms. Veronica , after passing by the escort-free nights at the dawn of the 74 years he finally decided to change and, in fact, is in love with Bindi?!

Well, such an eventuality would not be so bad: the Berlusca really need the rriggitarsi ciriveddhi e smetterla di spararle sempre più grosse un giorno sì e l’altro pure, provocando reazioni a valanga sempre più fuori controllo. E chi meglio di una donna può tenerlo a bada e farlo riflettere prima di aprire bocca? Figuriamoci poi se questa donna fosse la Bindi!

Ma ve l’immaginate Silvio e Rosy ‘ffacciati al balcone di Piazza Venezia? ‘Na barzelletta!

Lei con la solita faccia seria; lui che saluta cuntentu e, abbandonando per un momento l’usuale impettito stile-Mussolini, ripete allegramente il simpatico gesto delle corna che lo ha reso famoso nel mondo.

La folla resta silente, senza parole per la sorpresa.

Ma la Bindi sa che se il re non fa corna, Berlusconi sarebbe capacissimo di fargliele davvero. Così prepara la sua vendetta: tutti divranno sapere come stanno davvero le cose, qual’ è stato attuale del nostro Paese.

La gente radunatasi sotto al balcone continua a guardarli silenziosa e sempre più sbigottita, per poi esplodere in un boato di risate (gioia?) non appena la Bindi pigghia a Berlusconi e facendo il segno della vittoria, rirendu sutt’ e baffi, lo spinge giù dal balcone in puro stile Mussolini, mandandolo a catafottersi tra la folla a testa sutta e peri all’aria!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Vba Pokemon Crystal Saving Problem


struzzo-300x192 "If we had not Calabria, Naples-Caserta conurbation, or better if these areas had the same standards as the rest of the country, Italy would be the first country in Europe ... A cancer society and culture. A cancer ethics, where the State is not, there is no policy, no company ". (Renato Brunetta)

These words, spoken a few days ago, have raised so many responses that the Minister for poor-but-its already low level of criticism has been buried. Well, it took little, you say, is Cusì mbasciu, 'u' maru!

Mbasciu, but not fixed.

Well, the words were strong, but you can not deny that in Reggio Calabria and in particular, in many of our countrymen lack the basic idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the company, not to say what both society and wont want to say civil.

say no?

Dominic Luppino is the former mayor of Sinopoli preaspromontano-center a few miles from Scylla-and chairman of the Cooperative "Youth in life", which manages the land confiscated from the 'Ndrangheta.

After numerous intimidation during his tenure as Mayor -charge from which he had to resign, after the surrender of some of his own advisers-most in recent days, Dominic Luppino saw go up in smoke the first 30 hectares of fallow land, citrus groves, olive groves and vineyards on a more land, he found to accept it, hanged from a tree, the carcass of a dog, in an advanced state of decomposition, and finally (hopefully), is today's news that another property, Dominic Luppino has not found more lives about thirty chickens that were part of his chicken coop.

front of such incidents, and any type of attack in general, how can we speak of civilization?

In his homily yesterday at the cathedral in Reggio, Monsignor Vittorio Mondello said in a clear and unequivocal:

" The attacks are evidence of a lack of education and the manifestation of a mafia subculture. This mafia mentality, difficult to eradicate, leads many to feel dominated the other and not tolerate any opposition to their demands and their own interest and dominance . "

Therefore, there can be no civil society without social conscience. The one that only consciousness can provide civic education.

Some, but only some, prefer to be part of a different kind of society: the criminal.

And Cuff-in greek means "elevation of the cross" during the ceremony devoted precisely to the cross, Bishop Giuseppe Fiorini Morosini-bishop of Locri-Gerace-to young people and particularly to young people who believe that school is a waste of time and undergo the attraction of easy Eldorado that they are proposed by those entities that do not really think of nothing but self-interest and the dominance over others, said:

" I want to warn our young people. The cross of rest has been entrusted to you. Praise them, not profanatela joining associations that have their basis the crime or wrongdoing. Baptism of Christ will save, other baptisms, who want to mimic that of Christianity, you destroy life and forgive you .

noted the request of excuses-including that of the entire Regional Council of Calabria and today, in a letter published in "The Messenger", the Minister Brunetta has certainly not apologize but said his thoughts :

" I have not argued, nor ever thought that the solution of the problem is nell'amputazione Italy, taking in parts of South and take them somewhere.

... It would be more comfortable in all aggregaci criminal conviction of any butcher, silent on the continuing, repeated and widespread violations of the law that make many slices out of control of our national territory?

.... I call it "cancer": a disease that eats up all the time, which attacks the innocent and honest, reducing them to silence, which makes possible a ruling class of ostriches, which distraction can not be blamed more of connivance. "

I recall the words to" Direct taken by two young women living in the north, a daughter of a boss of the 'Ndrangheta, the other the wife of an alleged member of a' ndrine operating in Lombardy, the subject of recent police operations.

From their words revealed a profound sadness: the first, you give the soul by the name "heavy" that-rightly or wrongly, the conditions and the other, in tears, she realized that the problems the father inevitably would fall on her son, still a child.

In both, there was the deep sadness of not being able to get away from that environment that becomes a family chain, a lanyard, which holds stronger and stronger, to stifle any attempt to get out. The sadness of living in a "family" rather than in a family.

This "cancer" that deforms the society, the family, institutions, religion, from whatever side you look at both the side of "good", both on the part of the "bad" makes us a country "collective sadness, divided and therefore weak.

Fold then symmetrically in the statement of Brunetta.

There where no education, there is no society. There, where there is no society, no politics (as an art of governing). There, where there is the art of governing, there is the rule.

They know and they realize the many Domenico Luppino of Calabria, southern Italy, of Italy.

They know and realize this many young women, wives and mothers, who know that they-them-despite the other side and, therefore, would cross the ford, once and for all.

knows, but do not want to see, too many which, in the state, living alone and only connivance. That ostriches!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Eric Mcclure Diecast Hefty Package


america 11 Settembre 2001. Da quel giorno, il mondo non è più lo stesso.

Oggi, come nove anni, l’America ha ricordato il sacrificio di 3000 persone. Reggio_calabria_processione_festa_madonna

Oggi, come nove anni fa, per uno strano incrociarsi dei destini umani, a 9000 km di distanza da quello che fu il tragico teatro dell’attacco terrorista, si è rinnovato il rito della discesa del quadro della Madonna della Consolazione.

Quella consolazione che ancora sperano di trovare i parenti delle vittime e i parenti dei numerosi soldati morti in questi anni di guerra in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Nine years have passed and the United States are still trying to recover, to regain the strength that only the union of purpose can give.

It is very conscious of President Obama, who-although the target of increasingly strong criticism, in his speech commemorating the victims of the attacks made at the Pentagon, said:

"Those who attacked us have sought to demoralize us, to divide us, to deprive us of the same unit, the same ideals that make America America - those qualities that have made us a beacon of freedom and hope for billions of people around the world. Today we declare once again that does not give it to him never won. As Americans, we will keep alive the virtues and values \u200b\u200bthat make us who we are and we always have to be .... May God continue to bless the United States of America. " (from President Barack Obama's speech at the Pentagon Memorial in Arlington, Virginia)

And the final words, with which Americans are accustomed to close the most important speeches, is also the title of a beautiful song, a prayer, which is part of American tradition.

And in a sign di vicinanza e di riconoscenza verso questo grande Paese, mi piace proprio oggi condividerla.

God bless America ( Words and music by Irving Berlin)

"While the storm clouds gather far across the sea,
Let us swear allegiance to a land that's free,
Let us all be grateful for a land so fair,
As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer. "

God Bless America,
Land that I love.
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans,
white with foam God bless America, My home sweet home.

"While the storm clouds gather far across the sea,
swear allegiance to a land that is free,
we are all grateful for a land so beautiful,
while we raise our voices in a solemn prayer."
God Bless America, Land that I love
. The
is next, and guide
Through the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, grasslands, oceans
white with foam God bless America, my home sweet home.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Table Lights That Looks Like Candles


scilla night For those who do not know, Scylla is lovingly called by all her children scigghitani around the globe such as: 'u ri furisteri pais.

The definition does not refer to certain people, who sunnu 'ndigini scigghitani, but their natural propensity not only to welcome the stranger (the something is bona rucazioni Puru), but to feel it, regardless, more educated, better prepared, in short, cchiù megghiu than any other human being in whose veins blood flows ru Scigghiu.

This belief, apparently based on the popular assumption that Scilla is spaccau 'u saccu re-twisted by the famous phrase: "But tutti ‘i storti ccà carunu?!”- abbraccia e comprende ogni campo, ogni carica della vita sociale, civile e religiosa della comunità dello Scigghio.

Al riguardo, ristau nta storia una famosa frase pronunciata da uno zio della mia nonna materna, Rocco Morabito, alias ‘u Zzì Rroccu ‘u Trunnisi [zio Rocco detto “il tornese ”].

Esaminando la realtà scillese del tempo (siamo a cavallo tra la fine dell’800 e la prima metà del ‘900 dello scorso millennio), ‘u Zzì Rroccu ebbe infatti ad affermare:

“A Scilla? All furisteri!

'U Sindicu? Furisteri!

'U spice? Furisteri!

' previti U? Furisteri!

Sant'Ivo Rroccu? Ra France "

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Woody Toystory Cake Designs


polsi Today is the feast of Our Lady of Mount she wrists, the heart of the Aspromonte.

This place, which has recently been the subject of attention by all the national media and not just because of summit held between the leaders of the 'Ndrangheta Reggina, today sees renewed the rites of a party that is not only religious, but also people, with music, dance, tarantella. Rituals (religious and pagan), revived hundreds of years.

For centuries, in fact, the province of Reggio Calabria and Sicily, even the species of the province of Messina and carry out an act of true faith and go up to the Shrine of the Wrist, to pay homage to Our Lady of the mountain to the graces received.

There are many stories that are told, more or less indirectly related to the folk tradition. Today, I want to tell one in particular.

Among the many pilgrims, there was nu massaru, a shepherd, Bova-town of Reggio Calabria and the Ionian nerve center of Bovesia , the area of \u200b\u200bthe Hellenistic riggitana province, where they speak the greek-Calabrian .

'U massaru, out of gratitude to Our Lady of the wrist for a grace, she began to raise a little kid.

Having to be a gift to Our Lady, 'u massaru particularly held the animal, so as to give the best herbs and special treatment, so that' crap Criscia iornu a more 'n year, that is visible DIRI of an eye.

arrived on September 2nd, the feast day, 'u massaru, entered the stall, looked at the goat and he was amazed on the size of the animal: he had come up so beautiful and strong, who NCI pariva bruttu private, also for a purpose so noble.

turnover is that 'u massaru obviously pigghiatu from human debulizza, looked around and chose another goat in the barn, except that he had so carefully raised.

Piggie 'na rope around the animal and already passed it in the night went along the road from the Sanctuary Bova saliva ra ra Maronna muntagna, joining with other pilgrims to arrive on time the next morning.

The journey continued, and in peri ca crapa ampestru, with a degree of calm until about halfway. Suddenly, however, the animal, as pigghiatu by a sudden fear, 'mpuntau' pear and froze.

All attempts to convince the animal to step forward, were in vain: 'a crap-in quantu crapa pirce dispittusa more authentic and nature-not the more orders smuvìu mancu ru Pope!

The sudden stop ra crap, meanwhile, had caused an indescribable tail and the inevitable complaints from the other pilgrims.

At some point, a man approached or 'massaru ask for explanations and' u massaru said curtly: "Not to 'mind your own business!"

To which the man replied, "No, not on' facts mei, on 'facts Maronna ra! "

At these words,' crap vutau bridges and started to run fast in the opposite direction to that of the sanctuary. 'U massaru, desperate, tried to chase it as he could, but then gave up: there was no ra crapa signu!

the farmer does not just have to face facts. At that point, in fact, understood the meaning of words of the unknown and became convinced.

After he returned to the barn, took the good goat, the one who initially raised with the intention of offering to the Madonna, and walked back along the road leading to the shrine.

The goat was so healthy and strong, that he began to run stronger and stronger along the climb, dragging 'u poviru massaru.

arrived at the wrist, in front of the sanctuary in a very short time, surpassing the rest of the pilgrims who preceded them.