Wednesday, September 15, 2010

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struzzo-300x192 "If we had not Calabria, Naples-Caserta conurbation, or better if these areas had the same standards as the rest of the country, Italy would be the first country in Europe ... A cancer society and culture. A cancer ethics, where the State is not, there is no policy, no company ". (Renato Brunetta)

These words, spoken a few days ago, have raised so many responses that the Minister for poor-but-its already low level of criticism has been buried. Well, it took little, you say, is Cusì mbasciu, 'u' maru!

Mbasciu, but not fixed.

Well, the words were strong, but you can not deny that in Reggio Calabria and in particular, in many of our countrymen lack the basic idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the company, not to say what both society and wont want to say civil.

say no?

Dominic Luppino is the former mayor of Sinopoli preaspromontano-center a few miles from Scylla-and chairman of the Cooperative "Youth in life", which manages the land confiscated from the 'Ndrangheta.

After numerous intimidation during his tenure as Mayor -charge from which he had to resign, after the surrender of some of his own advisers-most in recent days, Dominic Luppino saw go up in smoke the first 30 hectares of fallow land, citrus groves, olive groves and vineyards on a more land, he found to accept it, hanged from a tree, the carcass of a dog, in an advanced state of decomposition, and finally (hopefully), is today's news that another property, Dominic Luppino has not found more lives about thirty chickens that were part of his chicken coop.

front of such incidents, and any type of attack in general, how can we speak of civilization?

In his homily yesterday at the cathedral in Reggio, Monsignor Vittorio Mondello said in a clear and unequivocal:

" The attacks are evidence of a lack of education and the manifestation of a mafia subculture. This mafia mentality, difficult to eradicate, leads many to feel dominated the other and not tolerate any opposition to their demands and their own interest and dominance . "

Therefore, there can be no civil society without social conscience. The one that only consciousness can provide civic education.

Some, but only some, prefer to be part of a different kind of society: the criminal.

And Cuff-in greek means "elevation of the cross" during the ceremony devoted precisely to the cross, Bishop Giuseppe Fiorini Morosini-bishop of Locri-Gerace-to young people and particularly to young people who believe that school is a waste of time and undergo the attraction of easy Eldorado that they are proposed by those entities that do not really think of nothing but self-interest and the dominance over others, said:

" I want to warn our young people. The cross of rest has been entrusted to you. Praise them, not profanatela joining associations that have their basis the crime or wrongdoing. Baptism of Christ will save, other baptisms, who want to mimic that of Christianity, you destroy life and forgive you .

noted the request of excuses-including that of the entire Regional Council of Calabria and today, in a letter published in "The Messenger", the Minister Brunetta has certainly not apologize but said his thoughts :

" I have not argued, nor ever thought that the solution of the problem is nell'amputazione Italy, taking in parts of South and take them somewhere.

... It would be more comfortable in all aggregaci criminal conviction of any butcher, silent on the continuing, repeated and widespread violations of the law that make many slices out of control of our national territory?

.... I call it "cancer": a disease that eats up all the time, which attacks the innocent and honest, reducing them to silence, which makes possible a ruling class of ostriches, which distraction can not be blamed more of connivance. "

I recall the words to" Direct taken by two young women living in the north, a daughter of a boss of the 'Ndrangheta, the other the wife of an alleged member of a' ndrine operating in Lombardy, the subject of recent police operations.

From their words revealed a profound sadness: the first, you give the soul by the name "heavy" that-rightly or wrongly, the conditions and the other, in tears, she realized that the problems the father inevitably would fall on her son, still a child.

In both, there was the deep sadness of not being able to get away from that environment that becomes a family chain, a lanyard, which holds stronger and stronger, to stifle any attempt to get out. The sadness of living in a "family" rather than in a family.

This "cancer" that deforms the society, the family, institutions, religion, from whatever side you look at both the side of "good", both on the part of the "bad" makes us a country "collective sadness, divided and therefore weak.

Fold then symmetrically in the statement of Brunetta.

There where no education, there is no society. There, where there is no society, no politics (as an art of governing). There, where there is the art of governing, there is the rule.

They know and they realize the many Domenico Luppino of Calabria, southern Italy, of Italy.

They know and realize this many young women, wives and mothers, who know that they-them-despite the other side and, therefore, would cross the ford, once and for all.

knows, but do not want to see, too many which, in the state, living alone and only connivance. That ostriches!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Eric Mcclure Diecast Hefty Package


america 11 Settembre 2001. Da quel giorno, il mondo non è più lo stesso.

Oggi, come nove anni, l’America ha ricordato il sacrificio di 3000 persone. Reggio_calabria_processione_festa_madonna

Oggi, come nove anni fa, per uno strano incrociarsi dei destini umani, a 9000 km di distanza da quello che fu il tragico teatro dell’attacco terrorista, si è rinnovato il rito della discesa del quadro della Madonna della Consolazione.

Quella consolazione che ancora sperano di trovare i parenti delle vittime e i parenti dei numerosi soldati morti in questi anni di guerra in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Nine years have passed and the United States are still trying to recover, to regain the strength that only the union of purpose can give.

It is very conscious of President Obama, who-although the target of increasingly strong criticism, in his speech commemorating the victims of the attacks made at the Pentagon, said:

"Those who attacked us have sought to demoralize us, to divide us, to deprive us of the same unit, the same ideals that make America America - those qualities that have made us a beacon of freedom and hope for billions of people around the world. Today we declare once again that does not give it to him never won. As Americans, we will keep alive the virtues and values \u200b\u200bthat make us who we are and we always have to be .... May God continue to bless the United States of America. " (from President Barack Obama's speech at the Pentagon Memorial in Arlington, Virginia)

And the final words, with which Americans are accustomed to close the most important speeches, is also the title of a beautiful song, a prayer, which is part of American tradition.

And in a sign di vicinanza e di riconoscenza verso questo grande Paese, mi piace proprio oggi condividerla.

God bless America ( Words and music by Irving Berlin)

"While the storm clouds gather far across the sea,
Let us swear allegiance to a land that's free,
Let us all be grateful for a land so fair,
As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer. "

God Bless America,
Land that I love.
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans,
white with foam God bless America, My home sweet home.

"While the storm clouds gather far across the sea,
swear allegiance to a land that is free,
we are all grateful for a land so beautiful,
while we raise our voices in a solemn prayer."
God Bless America, Land that I love
. The
is next, and guide
Through the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, grasslands, oceans
white with foam God bless America, my home sweet home.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Table Lights That Looks Like Candles


scilla night For those who do not know, Scylla is lovingly called by all her children scigghitani around the globe such as: 'u ri furisteri pais.

The definition does not refer to certain people, who sunnu 'ndigini scigghitani, but their natural propensity not only to welcome the stranger (the something is bona rucazioni Puru), but to feel it, regardless, more educated, better prepared, in short, cchiù megghiu than any other human being in whose veins blood flows ru Scigghiu.

This belief, apparently based on the popular assumption that Scilla is spaccau 'u saccu re-twisted by the famous phrase: "But tutti ‘i storti ccà carunu?!”- abbraccia e comprende ogni campo, ogni carica della vita sociale, civile e religiosa della comunità dello Scigghio.

Al riguardo, ristau nta storia una famosa frase pronunciata da uno zio della mia nonna materna, Rocco Morabito, alias ‘u Zzì Rroccu ‘u Trunnisi [zio Rocco detto “il tornese ”].

Esaminando la realtà scillese del tempo (siamo a cavallo tra la fine dell’800 e la prima metà del ‘900 dello scorso millennio), ‘u Zzì Rroccu ebbe infatti ad affermare:

“A Scilla? All furisteri!

'U Sindicu? Furisteri!

'U spice? Furisteri!

' previti U? Furisteri!

Sant'Ivo Rroccu? Ra France "

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Woody Toystory Cake Designs


polsi Today is the feast of Our Lady of Mount she wrists, the heart of the Aspromonte.

This place, which has recently been the subject of attention by all the national media and not just because of summit held between the leaders of the 'Ndrangheta Reggina, today sees renewed the rites of a party that is not only religious, but also people, with music, dance, tarantella. Rituals (religious and pagan), revived hundreds of years.

For centuries, in fact, the province of Reggio Calabria and Sicily, even the species of the province of Messina and carry out an act of true faith and go up to the Shrine of the Wrist, to pay homage to Our Lady of the mountain to the graces received.

There are many stories that are told, more or less indirectly related to the folk tradition. Today, I want to tell one in particular.

Among the many pilgrims, there was nu massaru, a shepherd, Bova-town of Reggio Calabria and the Ionian nerve center of Bovesia , the area of \u200b\u200bthe Hellenistic riggitana province, where they speak the greek-Calabrian .

'U massaru, out of gratitude to Our Lady of the wrist for a grace, she began to raise a little kid.

Having to be a gift to Our Lady, 'u massaru particularly held the animal, so as to give the best herbs and special treatment, so that' crap Criscia iornu a more 'n year, that is visible DIRI of an eye.

arrived on September 2nd, the feast day, 'u massaru, entered the stall, looked at the goat and he was amazed on the size of the animal: he had come up so beautiful and strong, who NCI pariva bruttu private, also for a purpose so noble.

turnover is that 'u massaru obviously pigghiatu from human debulizza, looked around and chose another goat in the barn, except that he had so carefully raised.

Piggie 'na rope around the animal and already passed it in the night went along the road from the Sanctuary Bova saliva ra ra Maronna muntagna, joining with other pilgrims to arrive on time the next morning.

The journey continued, and in peri ca crapa ampestru, with a degree of calm until about halfway. Suddenly, however, the animal, as pigghiatu by a sudden fear, 'mpuntau' pear and froze.

All attempts to convince the animal to step forward, were in vain: 'a crap-in quantu crapa pirce dispittusa more authentic and nature-not the more orders smuvìu mancu ru Pope!

The sudden stop ra crap, meanwhile, had caused an indescribable tail and the inevitable complaints from the other pilgrims.

At some point, a man approached or 'massaru ask for explanations and' u massaru said curtly: "Not to 'mind your own business!"

To which the man replied, "No, not on' facts mei, on 'facts Maronna ra! "

At these words,' crap vutau bridges and started to run fast in the opposite direction to that of the sanctuary. 'U massaru, desperate, tried to chase it as he could, but then gave up: there was no ra crapa signu!

the farmer does not just have to face facts. At that point, in fact, understood the meaning of words of the unknown and became convinced.

After he returned to the barn, took the good goat, the one who initially raised with the intention of offering to the Madonna, and walked back along the road leading to the shrine.

The goat was so healthy and strong, that he began to run stronger and stronger along the climb, dragging 'u poviru massaru.

arrived at the wrist, in front of the sanctuary in a very short time, surpassing the rest of the pilgrims who preceded them.