as a committee to make up the Local Park of Monte di Brianza we associate with the warning cry of CAI and other groups against the dismantling of Stelvio National Historical Park, knowing that our struggle can not fail to combat the current stance of policy tends to overshadow the issue of environmental protection through the Parks system.
Subject: APPEAL for the preservation of the unity of the Stelvio National Park Presidents, Ministers
We are extremely concerned and disappointed by the idea of \u200b\u200ba country that, by virtue of a decree decided and approved so definitely too hasty, he decides to cancel seventy-five years of unified management patrimonionio a natural mountain of unquestionable excellence and international reputation also what is the Stelvio National Park .
The Stelvio National Park because it represents an essential element of the natural landscape and cultural of our country, as such it is a reference for the entire community national, and is also a card fundamental of the natural areas that make up the supranational system defined by International Convention for the Protection of the Alps , that our country, like all other states of the Alpine ratified by its law in 1999. A decision to remove the body which ensures unified management, the consortium established in 1992 between the Region of Lombardy, the autonomous provinces and the Ministry of Environment within which they find adequate representation of the local governments, institutions of scientific research, the environmental stakeholders, inevitably marks the end of fact and by fiat, this piece of history nature conservation in our country. Such a decision will certainly have a relapse international image and credibility of Italy: in more than a century of history of the parks in our continent, has never happened to wipe out a country, in fact, a National Park: what are the effects of such a , serious decision in the report, first, with other EU member states?
We are all aware that the administrative life of the Park has been very difficult and complicated in recent decades and that we need to think and carry out major reforms in the entity to make its activities more effective and incisive . But it is unthinkable that these changes cancel the unity of the park, nor to be taken with unilateral action, without involvement of all communities and social institutions involved: such action not only lead to the dismemberment of the largest area protection of the Alps, but result in a framework of strong criticism regarding the institutional seal and open disputes with the Court of Justice, especially on the side of the Lombard Park: in fact, benchè l'accordo che prelude al decreto sia stato assunto dalle due Province Autonome e dal Governo, oltre metà della superficie del Parco si trova nel territorio amministrativo della Regione Lombardia, che ne subirà gli effetti senza essere stata formalmente coinvolta in alcun tavolo istituzionale. Per queste ragioni, rivolgiamo a Voi un accorato appello affinchè le decisioni sul futuro del Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio vengano assunte non per decreto, ma all'interno di un tavolo istituzionale e di concertazione tra tutti gli attori coinvolti, con responsabilità e un impegno volto ad affrontare e risolvere davvero i problemi che oggi impediscono the Park to be fully at of his task, excluding any possibility of dismemberment. Assured of a proper consideration of the instances represented here, on behalf of our organizations for environmental protection extend our most
Italian Alpine Club-CAI
The President General, Umberto Martini
The President, Dominik Siegrist
The President, Oscar Del Barba
Dachverband für Natur-und Umweltschutz CIPRA-Südtirol
President, Klauspeter Dissinger
Italian Environment Fund-FAI,
Federazione Nazionale Pro Natura
Il Presidente, Mauro Furlani
Il Presidente, Giampiero Sammuri
Italia Nostra
Il presidente, Vittorio Cogliati Dezza
Lega Italiana Protezione Uccelli–LIPU Birdlife Italia
Il Presidente, Giuliano Tallone
Mountain Wilderness Italia
Il Portavoce Nazionale, Luigi Casanova
Pro Natura [Svizzera]
Italian Speleological Society
President, Marquis Giampietro
Italian Touring Club
President, Franco Iseppi
World Wide Fund for Nature WWF-Italy
President, Stefano Leoni / 01/parchi-speranza-per-il-futuro-del-mondo.html
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