you put the mind at peace with those who thought their vote to change a decision that was inevitable anyway.
Yes, because the dr. Marchionne, if the NO had won, it would be quite capable of going to manufacture the machines from anywhere else in the world, while safeguarding the company he works for.
On the other hand this is not his job ?
Marchionne is known to be a very strong and determined man. Want to see why those who really have the Minnesota Planetarium Society? Because of displacement of the Earth's , Dr. Marchionne, who originally was born under the sign of Gemini (and therefore could also have someone like him), now passed under the sign of Taurus. Irrefutable sign of head cchiù hard cimentu ru, who is quandu zzicca 'na nta head thing, the more fog avi to strength!
In reality, the decision of FIAT, supported by the government (but could never sicundu vui Berlusca the support of the Communists FIOM?), Provides for heavy workers in terms of working hours, but say the well- information should be rewarded in some way to end year with an increase in payroll.
knows those who voted YES: "... But now I do not know what happens." I also know some of those who voted NO, albeit not too sure, since one of them says: "I voted no but I understand those of Yes, if I had children I would have done the same. We hope to soon forget these days. "
In fact, the thing is more frightening than the Italians, I think that I do not understand, is that they should disappear "bridges" at the festival, with the outbreak of a cumandu raffredduri and Frevo, though some of stars day in a row at home.
Business decisions are not of the historic factory in Turin the fruit of a dream / nightmare of Marchionne, who perhaps had eaten the night before heavy nor divine illumination. Measurements of the same kind have in fact been adopted by all major European car manufacturers and other companies of comparable size to those of Fiat.
In short, given the current moonlight, it was a choice: either timangi 'is soup, or you Ietto ra window!
Workers of FIOM, but I'm not convinced, and give all the blame on Marchionne. The sticker on Giannelli front page of Corriere sums it up effectively and at the same time I am reminded 'na story dates back to several decades ago, told to me by my uncle.
was the time of his figghiolanza and, like all figghioli, he was pocu iarmaturi nu.
'na sira, returned in time for dinner, a bitter surprise awaits him: above' to tavula waiting, there was a steaming Piattu caddu of 'italeddha linticchia ca!
Me 'zziu than, say, no interchange fee for pacciu geniri legumes, and tundu chiaru said to his father: "I ndi vogghiu! I do not like! "
The father of a person as honest and firm, not fell more than tantu e davanti al rifiuto del proprio figlio, dichiarò: “A no? Chistu c’è e chistu ti mangi.” e, per chiarire ulteriormente il concetto, aggiunse: “Se non di voi, ta mangi dumani!”.
A quelle parole, me’ zziu, dimostrando un orgoglio da adulto, pi non darla vinta al padre, si alzò da tavola e, cu ‘na ringia longa longa e senza sciatari ‘na parola, salì al piano di sopra se ne andò a letto a ddiunu.
Il resto della famiglia continuò tranquillamente la cena e, giunta l’ora di andare a letto, si andò regolarmente a curcari.
Passarono alcune ore e in me’ zziu accadde un naturali fenomenu secondo una leggi fisica che dici cusì: cchiù ‘u tempu passa, cchiù l’orgoglio si riduci, cchiù ‘a fami aumenta.
'U stomucu i me’ zziù cominciava così a dare segni di nervosismo e lanciava signali chiari e forti, tipo l’urlo di Tarzan nella foresta.
Al che me’ zziù non ci ‘a fici cchiù. Si iazò e, ‘ccattiandu in dirizioni della camera dei genitori, ccuminciò a scindiri li scali ‘a scaza, cercando di fare meno rumuri possibili.
Arrivato in cucina, addhumò la luci e si diresse subito verso la scanzìa. La iaprì e fu accolto da a vision that URI of-a-nights seemed to paradise: 'u ra Piattu linticchia!
He put on the table, Piggie 'na Cucchiara and, heedless of the fact who was now the pasta fridda and solidified to ccuminciò mangiari with a family and a voracious davveru lupigna.
CERTU, the taste of linticchia should not just be the best, but to me 'zziù, NCI poarive megghiu the pasta to stari mangiandu or' mundu furnu ru.
He was almost finished and the pot was almost empty when the door heading a paralyzed him: "Ah, it was bbona 'to linticchia"
was the father, despite the measures put in place by me 'zziu, heard the noise and saw the light on, had envisioned what is now his eyes were seeing.
said no more. But with a smile face painted on the stern-obvious sign of paternal affection, he went back to sleep.
Now, the new agreement 'sparmentatu by Marchionne and Fiat wanted by the majority of employees, as confirmed by referendum, is com o' the Piattu italeddha linticchia more about me 'zziu.
caddu caddu Maybe not like you, but cu tempu, Puru friddu, 'and without nzipitu sapuri, even those who do not digest it Nesci pacciu linticchia pa.
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