Sunday, March 6, 2011

How Long To Leave Clamidia Untreated

The Night of the Owl

The Committee Local Park of Monte di Brianza arranges for the day Saturday, March 19, 2011 flights from Valgreghentino


Or a night walk to discover the fascinating world of owls del Monte Brianza.

The meeting will be at 20:00 at the church.
We will walk together in this interesting members of the Research Centre Ornitologiche Scanagatta (C.R.O.S.) e dalla Protezione Civile di Valgreghentino.

Durante il percorso ci saranno letture a tema a cura di Scarlattine Teatro.

Per l’occasione si consiglia di portare una torcia e calzature comode

Dopo gli incontri con le amministrazioni comunali, la raccolta firme e le assemblee pubbliche nei comuni coinvolti dal progetto del PLIS, il Comitato mette in campo quest’altra interessante iniziativa. La notte della Civetta non è che la prima di una serie di uscite a tema sul territorio of our hill. to go for a walk is certainly pleasant, you have the chance to be in good company, fresh air and pleasant places. And not only . In fact, the most important thing is the opportunity to "look into" our hill. Find out what are the contents and the peculiarities of the mountain of Brianza, which too often pay the our haste or distraction, and was summarily dismissed as a hill almost completely covered by forests. We believe that in fact this is the knowledge that many people have of the mountain. However, the important step that everyone must do, as a prerequisite and essential to preserve and protect, you know. For the action of protection is effective because we know what to preserve. The outputs will also be an important occasion for "a system", involving many associations operating in our territory. Why is the only way that you can find the solution to many problems.

Meanwhile, continue the evening of the Committee:

From Merateonline:

"Environmental protection and enhancement of the area: these are the two watchwords of the Committee for Local Park of Monte di Brianza, Thursday, March 3, which has organized a public meeting Olginate in explaining the motives for his volunteer efforts to the creation of an institution-park for the area of \u200b\u200bSan Genesio. Good voter citizenship Olginate, aware of the need for serious protection and fear that it might happen again disastrous situations as in the past for the fraction of Consonno, disfigured by a project that has destroyed the entire village to make way for a "City of entertainment", which went bankrupt shortly after leaving the entire structure up to today in a state of neglect and abandonment. After the screening of the video on the reality of today's Monte Brianza and presentation of the spokesman Franco Orsenigo, addressed to Dr. Massimo Merati, Technical Park of Rio Vallone, who described the costs and benefits of a plis (local park supra), a very "lean" of the Park, that despite the relatively low costs, can provide substantial benefits to territory. Very sensitive to the issue Olginatese administration, represented in 'the environment at the Councillor Petrelli: Olginate è stata infatti la prima tra tutte le amministrazioni comunali del territorio interessato al progetto ad avere approvato in consiglio comunale una delibera d’intenti per la realizzazione del Parco Locale.”


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