Thursday, March 10, 2011

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The social consequences of the perfect storm! (2)

For the second consecutive month in February fell in the opening of new foreclosure procedures in the United States of America, with 255,101 homeowners who have received notice of that path that often leads to the sale of the dwelling , a figure that is less than 14 percent compared to January and 27 percent against the same month last year and, according to information provided by RealtyTrac is at the lowest level in 36 months.

The reason for this is slowing the flow of foreclosure, as is known, of the increased caution of banks and finance in starting the process or take forward, particularly in the 28 states where there is a judicial step, especially the first warnings to initiate the procedure fell by 41 percent compared to February of 2010, while the planned auction for the sale of homes fell by 21 per percent on an annual basis.

Banking and finance has, however, came in possession in February of more than 66,000 homes, a figure lower than 17 percent compared to January and 18 percent over the same month last year, but in states where it is required a judicial step, the decline was even more marked increased to 35 percent on an annual basis. The problem

near future, however, is well represented by those 5 million borrowers are delayed by at least two mortgage payments, a portion of which will fail because of the crisis of the labor market and the collapse in property values, to catch up with their payments and who will inevitably first notifying the foreclosure process.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Icahn returns money to its subscribers!

Best known as a ruthless corporate raider who comes in large U.S. and then monetize its release, Carl Icahn has caught the imagination of investors deciding to return $ 1.75 billion to the participants in His hedge fund, which henceforth will report to him alone. But the most

colpisce è la motivazione di questa scelta dello ‘squalo’ che è racchiusa in queste parole “non voglio essere responsabile nei loro confronti per le conseguenze di un’altra possibile crisi dei mercati”, crisi che il raider vede possibile alla luce del quasi raddoppio del livello dei listini azionari statunitensi rispetto ai livelli toccati nel giorno più terribile della tempesta perfetta, il 9 marzo del 2009.

Icahn aggiunge poi di essere molto preoccupato per quanto sta accadendo in Nord Africa e Medio Oriente, avvenimenti che potrebbero innescare una rapida retromarcia dei mercati, soprattutto se, come nel caso della Libia, non si giungesse presto ad una soluzione.

Come scrivevo nella puntata Tuesday's Journal of the financial crisis, is two years that define the strong recovery that began in March 2009, the race of the bear and I think that statements like those of Icahn is in line with this definition!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The new war for oil! USA

skip to main year in which the future contract had touched $ 170 and then to crash below 50 U.S. dollars, a situation that much more uncertain that the count of victims of the fighting that is pushing NATO to decide, perhaps even in the absence of a vote of the Security Council of the United Nations, the establishment of a no-fly zone for all or part of Libya, a decision that could accelerate the disappearance of the Libyan dictator.

In the meantime, and calmly, the OPEC countries are deciding to further open the taps for the purpose of moderation prices, while Obama, as well as push option military, are deciding to use strategic stocks of oil, two decisions, for now hypothetical, that could burn the hands of those who are aiming for further growth in oil prices acting as the saying goes one way.

E 'very strange that the Libyan conflict, which has with the dictator's elite troops and thousands of mercenaries, the air force of all respect, a system of earth and air that should outperform in a short time insurgents, but that it fails to win back even the small town a stone's throw from the capital.

The threat of Gaddafi di minare i pozzi petroliferi ha preceduto di poche ore le minacce di Obama e del segretario generale della NATO, chiarendo oltre ogni ragionevole dubbio qual è la molla che fa scattare americani, europei e anche gli asiatici!

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Still lu 'mbernu par s'addumura,
' u nu suli nt friddu pocu ccattìa, but
'u cielu is chiaru, or Puru' in Nature
by fimmina, oh woman celebrates cu tia.

FLAT friddu who you tag, 'to face you prick, who
pi tia' Mom, you 'Soru, spouse,
com' or 'nu suli of giallu raggiu reaches you
ra Nature' n omaggiu, lu mimosa flower.

passaru hundred years, 'the ddhu iornu luntanu
but even virità parunu pocu,
the tingìu lu who wont' mericanu
the blood of women, of deaths, focu.

But it 'hard cchiù focu ru and ra dead
cumbatti fear and not at all like you.
Yes, you 'ddivintasti cchiù still strong in Mali you
surfaces, cu' ills you torches. And

ments 'to Chisti, or NCI stannu Puru, who
Fimmina, p'iddhi the ovu rutundu
is deaf and who I fan' a strata sannu
who is 'in' old ru ncurciatura cchiù mundu.

And there is even the omu Tintu, who lose their heads and hands you
iaza pigghianduti to bbuci.
Beast, not omu, Pirch iddhu gets lost
who was cu ru mundu NCI iapriu the lights.

But you

woman nta strata of the year ndi facist,
'ncurciasti spacers and Puru' to faddetta. Pu
mundu fireplaces or you head IATA
eu mundu, attend to, cchiù 'ssai respects you.

Pirc Puru today, one hundred years later, and who are
nta the other one hundred years to come, and it reminds
'party pi' is circustanza:
to tia woman ru mundu, happy birthday!

Monday, March 7, 2011

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at shareholder is a bubble? Data on employment

Nella sua recente audizione al Senato statunitense, Bernspan non ha parlato soltanto dei temi usuali quali l’inflazione, il deficit federale e il debito, ma ha anche dovuto rispondere alla domanda di un senatore che gli chiedeva se il livello dei tre principali indici azionari a stelle e strisce non prefigurasse una bolla speculativa, una domanda che fa correre un brivido nella schiena agli investitori che di bolle ne hanno viste esplodere due negli ultimi dieci anni: quella dei titoli tecnologici che dimezzò in pochissimo tempo il valore del Nasdaq e quella del settore immobiliare iniziata nel 2006 e dalla quale non si è ancora usciti. Ovviamente la risposta di Bernspan è stata di tipo lapalissiano, affermando che vi erano piccole evidenze di un fenomeno del genere, ma che nessuno poteva saperlo con sicurezza, affermazioni con le quali è difficile non concordare perché dell’esistenza di una bolla speculativa si è certi soltanto quando scoppia.

E’ per questi motivi che ho chiamato il forte recupero iniziato nel marzo del 2009 la corsa dell’orso e credo che conviene aspettare un po’ per vedere se tale definizione era azzeccata oppure no!

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Sunday, March 6, 2011

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The three major U.S. indices have toasted to the positive data for two reasons, the first related to the strong climate of uncertainty associated with the development of the Libyan crisis, now turned into a real war civil aviation and has sent oil prices to the highest level since September 2008, the second because everyone is aware that it would increase the net payroll in the range of 400-500 thousand new jobs for an extended number of months to have a stimulative effect on the economy in general and the real estate sector in particular.

I would not want an additional stimulus to the economy was just from the winds of war blowing from North Africa, although I think that the international community has a duty to stop the bloodbath taking place in Libya!

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The Night of the Owl

The Committee Local Park of Monte di Brianza arranges for the day Saturday, March 19, 2011 flights from Valgreghentino


Or a night walk to discover the fascinating world of owls del Monte Brianza.

The meeting will be at 20:00 at the church.
We will walk together in this interesting members of the Research Centre Ornitologiche Scanagatta (C.R.O.S.) e dalla Protezione Civile di Valgreghentino.

Durante il percorso ci saranno letture a tema a cura di Scarlattine Teatro.

Per l’occasione si consiglia di portare una torcia e calzature comode

Dopo gli incontri con le amministrazioni comunali, la raccolta firme e le assemblee pubbliche nei comuni coinvolti dal progetto del PLIS, il Comitato mette in campo quest’altra interessante iniziativa. La notte della Civetta non è che la prima di una serie di uscite a tema sul territorio of our hill. to go for a walk is certainly pleasant, you have the chance to be in good company, fresh air and pleasant places. And not only . In fact, the most important thing is the opportunity to "look into" our hill. Find out what are the contents and the peculiarities of the mountain of Brianza, which too often pay the our haste or distraction, and was summarily dismissed as a hill almost completely covered by forests. We believe that in fact this is the knowledge that many people have of the mountain. However, the important step that everyone must do, as a prerequisite and essential to preserve and protect, you know. For the action of protection is effective because we know what to preserve. The outputs will also be an important occasion for "a system", involving many associations operating in our territory. Why is the only way that you can find the solution to many problems.

Meanwhile, continue the evening of the Committee:

From Merateonline:

"Environmental protection and enhancement of the area: these are the two watchwords of the Committee for Local Park of Monte di Brianza, Thursday, March 3, which has organized a public meeting Olginate in explaining the motives for his volunteer efforts to the creation of an institution-park for the area of \u200b\u200bSan Genesio. Good voter citizenship Olginate, aware of the need for serious protection and fear that it might happen again disastrous situations as in the past for the fraction of Consonno, disfigured by a project that has destroyed the entire village to make way for a "City of entertainment", which went bankrupt shortly after leaving the entire structure up to today in a state of neglect and abandonment. After the screening of the video on the reality of today's Monte Brianza and presentation of the spokesman Franco Orsenigo, addressed to Dr. Massimo Merati, Technical Park of Rio Vallone, who described the costs and benefits of a plis (local park supra), a very "lean" of the Park, that despite the relatively low costs, can provide substantial benefits to territory. Very sensitive to the issue Olginatese administration, represented in 'the environment at the Councillor Petrelli: Olginate è stata infatti la prima tra tutte le amministrazioni comunali del territorio interessato al progetto ad avere approvato in consiglio comunale una delibera d’intenti per la realizzazione del Parco Locale.”

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Bernspan sees inflation risks! HSBC

Beyond and below the ocean Atlantic mount this debate on inflation, but even more on that next adventure, as soaring oil prices which, in the wake of the events in Libya, has peaked in the last 29 months and which joins a growing demand for other commodities that are affecting the index of producer prices for discharge then inevitably what extent consumer prices.

In his recent U.S. Senate hearing, Bernspan made the following statements that carry no comment:

• The increased energy costs may have a temporary and modest impact on consumer prices.

• Growing demand for commodities, coupled with restricted supply is the cause of recent increases in commodity prices, not accommodating monetary policy pursued by the Federal Reserve. • While the majority of people causing problems, increases in fuel prices do not constitute a threat to the recovery or provide the basis for a restart of inflation.

Meanwhile, the price of oil fluctuates now stable at around $ 100 a barrel, while gold is also firmly in the area of \u200b\u200b$ 1,400 an ounce. *

very different attitude that the European Central Bank might raise interest rates as early as next April!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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taken chestnut in the USA!

In his annual budget, the Hong Shanghai Banking Corporation announced the existence of a moratorium on foreclosure proceedings on borrowers in arrears, after that, last fall the Federal Reserve el ' Office of the Comptroller of the Currency have identified errors in the affidavit and other necessary steps to ensure the bank possession of the homes of delinquent borrowers. In September
major U.S. banks, including Bank of America, had stopped for a few weeks of foreclosure procedures, initiating checks on the correctness of the procedures, but had then taken up, albeit slower, to put the cross in their debt, which suggests that those committed by HSBC have been even greater errors.

As readers of the Journal of the financial crisis will recall, one of the reasons that pushed U.S. banks and foreign banks operating in the U.S. to stop was the discovery of the post of lord robo, employees who signed up to a thousand a day foreclosure practices, often perfectly up to date with their mortgage payments.

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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The Treasury Bonds in the hands of China and Japan!

Secondo gli ultimi dati forniti dal Dipartimento del Tesoro statunitense, la Cina avrebbe fatto, in un solo mese, un balzo in avanti del 30 per cento nella sua quota di possesso di Treasury Bonds passando a 1.160 miliardi di dollari, distanziando nettamente il Giappone che possiede 882 miliardi di dollari, mentre un vero e proprio balzo indietro lo fa la Gran Bretagna che, passa da 541 a 272 miliardi di dollari.

Anche se buona parte della forte crescita dei titoli di stato statunitensi in possesso dei cinesi e il crollo di quelli detenuti da investitori inglesi sono dovute al fatto che i titoli acquistati in London were incorrectly recorded as belonging to British companies, the fact remains that more than half of U.S. Treasury Bonds held by foreigners are made from China and Japan.

Strong U.S. Treasury securities issues related to the deficit which in recent years is maintained over one million dollars, while debt is at an altitude of 14.3 trillion dollars, making the critical attitude of China and Japan, as well as other Asian countries and those of Arabs, an attitude that could change compared to the monstrous deficit expected for this year, when red touches the 1.65 trillion dollars.
It is no coincidence that the two countries with the largest trade surpluses with the Member United are also the major creditors of that great nation, a fact which makes any threat to blunt Obama to revise, for example, the value of Chinese currency, universally regarded as undervalued.

Monday, February 28, 2011

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Madoff attacks the U.S. government!

After having raised a great stir with his recent interview with the New York Times in which he accused JP Morgan Chase and other financial entities to be accomplices of his Ponzi scheme, Bernard Madoff raises the bar in a new interview at New York magazine in which a frontal attack the reform of financial markets strongly supported by Obama and even says that the Government has set up a giant Ponzi scheme. The bankrupt

seventy-two was hit by the recent tragic death of his son Mark, who committed suicide on the second anniversary of the arrest of his father, and continues to claim that none of his family, including those who worked with him, was aware of the castle of cards he built over the years, a pattern that has cost tens of billions of dollars to those who had directly or indirectly given their money to the former president of Nasdaq and one of the most famous Wall Street broker.

Those words may seem Madoff of freedom of a man who, at least on paper, others should spend 148 years in prison, but there is no doubt that the reform of financial markets has not cut the nails to speculation or intervened radically in the operational patterns of investment banking, objectives that are not on the agenda of the Financial Stability Group chaired by the Italian Mario Draghi.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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The Lion of Omaha sees pink, but ...




skip to main the perfect storm, John Maynard Keynes to the theoretical approach and two U.S. businessmen, Warren Buffett and George Soros for what the practical aspects related to their pragmatic way to interpret the events of financialization boost the economy.

I have not always shared interpretations that gave the phenomena that have taken place in these three and a half years, particularly in the case of Buffett who is the head of a financial industrial conglomerate, Berkshire Hathaway, which is directly involved in the dramatic events of recent years and its founder has made investment decisions designed to avoid screwing della potente ma ancor più preveggente Goldman Sachs e, tra le altre scelte di investimento, ha acquisito il controllo di una delle più importanti compagnie ferroviarie statunitensi. Ma, in mezzo a tante rosy news, not the lion of Omaha failed to clarify what is the concept of uncertainty, making a point about how you saw the future the day before the attack on Pearl Harbor or September 10, 2001, the day preceding one in which the attack occurred in the largest organization of Islamic fundamentalism at the heart of the United States of America!

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CROS Varenna is with us to Olginate

receive and publish the action of our membership committee by the CROS (ornithological research center) by Varenna

Why CROS (Scanagatta Ornithological Research Center) support and supports the establishment of the Monte di Brianza plis?

The high-sounding name, but our style is just the opposite! We like to leave the house with comfortable clothes and unobtrusive, keeping the binoculars around his neck, and move silently and watch for signs that the environment communicates through song and the flight of birds. So many species to meet and observe fascinating because different behaviors, colors and forms. Every day is an invitation to the welcome discovery or confirmation of what has already been observed, is certainly an opportunity to have fun and recharge in nature. But with time, the "bird watching" becomes a passion that adds knowledge, study and attention to places and people. The birds are in fact important bio-indicators of the quality of the territory. The arrival of a new species that colonizes the natural environment, or the lack of another observed up to the previous year, are in fact indices of changes in the course, unfortunately not always better.

some time in our country the larks sing no more above the cultivated fields, the abandonment of large portions of meadows and fields has allowed vegetation to colonize resulting in the depletion of their own species linked to these environments, as such as the Stonechat ol'Averla small. While the abandonment and the collapse of old cottages or rural centers in most cases produces a lump in my throat, their restructuring away from them in large species already suffering as the Owl or Barn Owl.

Today our Brianza is too scarred from the building, local crops give way to intensive agriculture or industrial building to yet, he advances the neglect of the forests and public spaces, there are always more roads for a increasingly congested traffic. The situation leads us then to get out of our niche observers and scholars to engage in the defense and protection of our territory, at least to what remains. So strongly support the Committee's request for the establishment of Mount plis Brianza, a strong signal of change of direction. And 'the people's desire to return to look after their own "home", think back to being more than the occurrence, to imagine that a life in harmony with the places and people, and for us the CROS, in particular, with the winged world!

Giuliana Pirotta (CROS coordinator Varenna)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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The social consequences of the perfect storm!


0 14

skip to main

Republish this episode on October 18 last year dedicated to the devastating problem of foreclosure and the tricks of the banks to take possession of the houses even when they are fully entitled, tricks that were discovered in September of that year and led to a temporary suspension of the procedures and greater caution in dealing with individual cases.

In the two and a half years in which I published daily diary of the episodes of financial crises, I was reprimanded several times to deal mainly in the United States of America, paying less attention to Europe and In particular, Italy, charge only in part, because I've dedicated to our country and to the Old Continent no less than a hundred episodes, but the problem is the fact that the perfect storm originates from the USA and the evolution of things in this great nation that we may one day say it is finished or not!

But what is wonderful in that nation is a great deal of statistical accuracy with which the press looks for the causes of the phenomena that are to public attention, driven by competitive reasons, their policy and, at least in some cases, both of these reasons. The service opens with a picture of an independent house and far from luxury to Mrs. Nicolle Bradbury cost $ 75,000 fully financed by GMAC, which also provided the sum required for the restructuring and, within the renegotiation and relative increase in the loan installment, more money, rate that Ms. Bradbury has stopped paying for two years, having lost her job, having been seriously ill, her husband and two school-age children (16 and 14 years).

It was a case won for GMAC, because I speak of because the place where Mrs. Bradbury lives in one state, Maine, in which, as in 22 other states, to initiate the expropriation is necessary to go to trial, but the GMAC was in a hurry and gave the practice to an official who, without many checks it turns out, as he himself has witnessed 400 per day , becoming the first robo-signer to have admitted the existence of these procedures do not precisely accurate.

Bradbury Lady luck was to address a non-profit association, which awarded a pro bono lawyer, Thomas A. Cox, who has worked for years for a bank dealing with their local procedures for foreclosure and expropriation, and that he soon discovered the omission of certain passages in procedures themselves, and who managed to make her admit in court to the employee of GMAC, which was also ordered to pay him $ 27,000 as a fee, and is based on the developments of this case that the biggest U.S. banks have been forced to block some foreclosures throughout the U.S., in 23 other states where you must go to trial, while hanging the possibility that the resulting ordered a moratorium on the law and a federal investigation is underway on the subject of expropriation!

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Here we are!

Dolzago After the very successful evening, our Committee is organizing a second public meeting Thursday, March 3 at 21
at the Civic Hall Piazza Roma n. 6

Local Park of Monte di Brianza:
an opportunity to defend and enhance our region

Speakers include Massimo Merati and Antonio Varisco plis of the Rio Vallone

Opening the evening will be a screening of the documentary
"The Mountain of Brianza, a giant with feet of clay"
Pino Brambilla

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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's Little Italy in New York, Little more each year

- of Sam R Oberts (from the New York Times, 21/02/2011)

Little Italy What follows is a large excerpt of a long article by Sam Roberts New York Times that he dedicated to Little Italy, the historic Italian neighborhood New York.

Many things have changed, but still remain strong in the Italo-American appeal to tradition and great strength, a strength that comes from their roots, yet deeply Italian.

In 1950, almost half of the over 10,000 New Yorkers who live in the heart of Little Italy identified themselves as Italian Americans. The narrow streets teemed with children and he could hear the melodic exchanges between Italian gli uno su cinque residenti nati in Italia e i loro vicini di seconda e terza generazione.

Dal 2000, il censimento ha riscontrato che la popolazione Italo-Americana era diminuita al 6 percento. Solo 44 erano native Italiani, rispetto ai 2.149 di mezzo secolo prima.

Un sondaggio censuario pubblicato a Dicembre ha determinato che la proporzione di Italo-Americani tra gli 8.600 residenti nella stessa area di Lower Manhattan si era ridotto a circa il 5 percento.

E, incredibilmente, il censimento non è riuscito a trovare un solo residente che fosse nato in Italia.

La Little Italy che una volta was the heart of Italian-American life in the city exists largely as a nostalgic memory or in the minds of tourists who still do have a place to visit during their years in New York.

Raven The old social club of the crime family of Gambino to 247 of Mulberry is now a boutique bags and shoes. Recently in 2005, Vincent Gigante , the boss of the Genovese crime family's seventy-seven, flew into the neighborhood in bathrobe and slippers pretending to have a mental illness to avoid prosecution. Il mese scorso, più di 100 presunti membri di famiglie malavitose sono stati incriminati per reati federali; nessuno viveva a Little Italy.

Lo scorso anno, il National Park Service ha designato il Distretto Storico di Chinatown e Little Italy senza alcuna distinzione geografica tra i quartieri. I due quartieri hanno cominciato a organizzare un Marco Polo Day e una sfilata di Natale l’Est incontra l’Ovest.

Presto il Comune cancellerà ulteriormente i confini.

Following the example of three offices of the local community, the City Planning Commission in March to approve the creation of a district for the increase in trade in Chinatown, which will cover almost everything that paradise that once was the largest ... concentration of Italian immigrants in the United States.

"Now is really the whole Chinatown," says John A. Zaccaro Sr., owner of Little Italy real estate company, founded by his father in 1935.

The Feast of San Gennaro, who still collects huge crowds in Mulberry Street, will be reduced in size at the request of North of Little Italy merchants disturbed.

The number of residents of Italian descent in the district began to decline since the early 60's, when immigration from Italy ebbed and Italian-Americans got rich and moved to other parts of the city and suburbs.

"When the Italians have made money and moved to Queens in New Jersey, have sold to the Chinese, who are now selling in Vietnam and Malaysia," says Ernest Lepore, 46, who, with his father and mother, owner of Ferrara, a coffee and pastry shop that his family opened 119 years ago.

Still, about 30 Italian-American children born each year in the district are baptized in the Church of the Most Precious Blood on Baxter Street. And some residents cling to a neighborhood that is rich in history and culture.

Of the 8.600 residents counted by the Census American Community Survey in the heart of Little Italy in 2009, almost 4.400 were born abroad. Of these, 89 percent were born in Asia. In 2009, a Korean immigrant won a contest sponsored by the contents of shops of Little Italy. That same year, Chinese immigrant, Margaret S. Chin, has been elected to represent the district in the City Council.

Ms. Chin has played a key role in galvanizing the various factions to create the district for the increase of trade, which reaches north from Chinatown with two wings flanking Mulberry Street and bend arc toward it from the middle of two parallel roads, Baxter and Mott.

"We opted out" of the district, said Ralph Tramontana, Chairman of the merchants of Little Italy and the owner of Sambuca's Café. "We did not think we needed it, because through the association of dealers already do what a district for the increase in world trade."

"I said to the merchants of Chinatown," said David Louie, who helped push for the neighborhood, "'You have to look at Little Italy and follow their example - at 8:30 in the morning you can see them that wash the sidewalks. ' "

Clean, low crime singularity and have broadened the appeal of the district, which has pushed up rents.

A studio of 74 square meters in a renovated six-story building at 145 Mulberry has been advertised recently for $ 4.200 per month. The owners of a two-bedroom on Grand Street call $ 1.5 million.

Paolucci's, a popular restaurant that opened on Mulberry in 1947, he moved to Staten Island in 2005 after the landlord increased the rent to $ 20,000 a month from $ 3,500, he always says Zaccaro.

Still, other landmarks of Little Italy, not only survived, but they seem to be flourishing thanks mainly to tourists and what the author Nicholas Pileggi described decades ago as "Italians of the Sabbath" Suburban - the "prosperous overweight in children of immigrant fathers leaner. "

Di Palo's, a specialty store Italian food at 200 Grand Street, started the business in 1903, a decade after the milk caeseario Alleva to 188 of the Grand, which is advertised as the oldest Italian cheese shop in the nation and that, as Ferrara, opened in 1892 . The fifth-generation family members working in all three and all three shops selling their products via the Internet.

in 1990, said Lou Di Palo, his father is ill and handed the keys to the next generation.

"We decided that we will take our business and we'll come back - we will focus on how our grandparents and our great-grandparents led activity: family-based, it sends the customer relationship, "he said. "Cut your piece of cheese and slice your ham. We're still a neighborhood store, but we have taken the initiative to make our shop a destination. "

" E 'come from a store of immigrants to an Italian-American shop focused on the authentic products of Italy, "said Mr. Di Palo. "We do not expect that our customers are every day. A big client we will see once a week, we'll see a very good client once a month. People told me, 'Are you still here' And I said, 'As long as you continue to come, I'll be here'. "

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The shadow on Libya's Unicredit Group!

There were those who saw the long black out the Milan Stock Exchange on Tuesday a clumsy attempt to contain the avalanche of securities of companies linked to the Libyan crisis, really thuds sound in the session on Monday and that the suspension has reduced by nearly five hours in the entity, reducing the operation in little more than the closing auction, review this that I feel sincerely share. Among the many entities affected, there is also Unicredit Group sees a Libyan presence in its shareholder base of 7.5 percent, a percentage that places the Libyans as early shareholders of a large banking group which has lost its CEO, the former child prodigy of Italian finance, Alessandro Profumo, not just for opposing entry into force of Libyans among the shareholders according to rival those banking foundations, as Cariverona, which until then were the good and the bad weather at Unicredit.

course, at a time which sees the full civil war in Libya and a number of multiple deaths than there were in Tunisia and Egypt does not appear to address the future of a banking group as important as Unicredit, however, Nor can it overlook a problem that must be in addition to those that have long troubled the group, such as low profitability, the grain of derivatives and risks associated with the presence in Eastern Europe, to limit ourselves only to the main ones.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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A Perfect Storm on North Africa!

E 'now no doubt that the wind storm that rocked Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and now is shaking the very foundations of the regime of Colonel Gaddafi's promises also be affected by Algeria, Morocco and Jordan, this is an almost simultaneous uprising that surprised analysts and observers, in particular the staff of foreign embassies in these countries, which conduct the work of intelligence, all of whom were unable to predict an upheaval of this magnitude.

The Libyan crisis differs from the Tunisian and Egyptian reaction to the violent motions of the scheme to square, with the unscrupulous use of mercenaries and aviation into the crowd, but also because the protests were not triggered by the price of basic necessities such as in the other two Arab countries, but the uprising against a regime who is standing since 1969.

Obviously, oil jumped above $ 100 a barrel and stock markets around the world, except the U.S. which was closed Monday for holidays, reported losses, in particular the Italian one, also because of the presence of capital Libyan numerous companies and the role of Italian Libya's biggest trading partner.

The close links between Silvio Berlusconi and Gaddafi have fostered an intensification of the relations of Eni, Impregilo and other Italian companies, ties that are now seen as a burden by the companies concerned, a situation that is the basis of the uncertainties of our diplomacy, foreign minister in the first place, only to ' last minute is appended to the position of condemnation expressed by the European Union and the United States of America.

Monday, February 21, 2011

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The Republican assault on the U.S. budget!

working on the Sabbath, the new 87 members are Republicans for Obama scissor kick the financial year and resulted in $ 61 billion in cuts in the hundreds of federal spending programs, giving to contempo, colpi di maglio a misure volte a salvaguardare l’ambiente in particolare nel settore dell’energia e in quello delle miniere che il governo intendeva chiudere. Ma l’obiettivo grosso dei repubblicani continua ad essere la riforma sanitaria che Obama è riuscito faticosamente a portare a casa quando aveva la maggioranza in entrambi i rami del Congresso, una riforma che viene ora minata ai fianchi inaridendo i flussi di denaro pubblico che dovevano alimentarla.

Alla vigilia dell’insediamento della nuova Camera dei Rappresentanti e del Senato rinnovato soltanto per un terzo, Obama aveva cercato di trovare un’intesa bipartisan, ma aveva di fatto ceduto sulla richiesta repubblicana di rinnovare per due year tax cuts taken by George W Bush without deleting the richest 2 percent of the population, but as he had promised during the election campaign dell'infuocata that took him to the White House. Built a result, new and old Republicans have dug up the hatchet immediately and, thus, less than two months after setting fire to get up on zero budget and get ready in the near future to touch the few reforms Obama, not just health but also that of finance!

Marco Sarli

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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It reduces the delinquency rate!




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The good news is provided by the Mortgage Bankers Association, indicating that the last quarter of last year 'only' 8, 2 percent of homeowners have missed at least one mortgage payment, significantly less by 9.1 percent in the third quarter, or 10 percent of the beyond the first quarter.

The reduction in the delinquency rate is still a good thing that the economists of the MBA in the creation of 1.2 million jobs in the private sector in 2010 and to reduce the number of people claiming benefits , although on Thursday there was an unexpected leap forward for this indicator.

Friday, February 18, 2011

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La Cooperativa Sociale "La città del Sole" in collaborazione con il Punto Informagiovani
"G. Siani" organizza il corso gratuito
Il corso si articolerà in 2 giornate di lezioni frontali che si propongono di dare gli elementi base per avvicinarsi al mondo dei non udenti.
Le iscrizioni dovranno essere presentate al Punto Informagiovani G. Siani
via De Feo,2 - Vico Equense

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02/21/2011 16:00 to 18:00 hours at the ' Unitre (ground floor City Hall via Filangieri) -
"The memory of places";
25/02/2011 AT 15:30 to 17:30 at Spa via Madonnella -
"The contribution of children in their families: incidence of this experience;
03/03/2011 16:00 to 18:00 hours the Prees Unitre - "Land and Environment;
11/03/2011 17:00 to 18:00 PM at Center Wellness - "Children accompanied by parents or relatives;
12/03/2011 AT 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Unitre -" Children accompanied by parents or relatives;
17/03/2011 4:00 p.m. to 18:00 PM at the Unitre - The history of Faito "
21/03/2011 16:00 to 18:00 hours at the unity - "Collection of memories of the elderly";
31/03/2011 16:00 to 18:00 hours at the Unitre - "Grow Organic"

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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raises U.S. inflation head!

skip to main not defined by excluding volatile components rose in January by 0.8 per cent (0.4 per cent in the core version), a dynamic that sooner or later inevitably also reflect on the given year.

Yesterday was the turn of the consumer price index which, again in January, rose by 0.4 percent, while the core CPI grew by 0.2 percent, twice as accurate as expected by analysts, while the variation over the same month last year was 1 percent, against a forecast of 0.9 percent.

What they say questi due dati, attentamente monitorati dalla Federal Reserve, è che il trend discendente dell’inflazione ha ormai toccato il punto più basso alcuni mesi fa e ora può solo risalire con buona pace della politica dei tassi di interesse sui finanziamenti concessi dalla Fed alle banche dovrà presto allontanarsi da quel corridoio compreso tra zero e 0,25 per cento per tornare a livelli più ragionevoli, proprio quanto sostengono i membri del Federal Open Market Committee dissenzienti rispetto all’infimo livello dei tassi e al Quantitative Easing II.

Ma il balzo in avanti di 25 mila unità nei jobless claims, da 385 mila a 410 mila unità, preoccupa molto di più Data on inflation, although this figure remains much lower than the peak of 651,000 reached in March 2009 when the U.S. economy was the lowest point of recession.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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Madoff attacks the banks!

In a series of interviews given to The New York Times, Bernard Madoff, man sentenced to 150 years in prison for defrauding thousands of investors using an updated version of the scheme Ponzi said that banks and hedge funds could not not know of the existence of its scheme and, indeed, were accomplices of operability which ended with a gap of several tens of billions of dollars.

The bankrupt is restricted to seventy-two Burtner Federal Correctional Complex is free to communicate with the outside world via e-mail, but also had the possibility of a two-hour interview with the reporter Diana B. Henriques, who in addition to articles in the newspaper is writing a book on the case which has shocked il mondo della finanza e minato la fiducia degli investitori e dei risparmiatori nelle entità protagoniste di quello stesso mondo.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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Sales USA to a snail's pace!

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Vi era molta attesa ieri negli Stati Uniti d’America per il dato sulle vendite al dettaglio nel mese di gennaio, because not only are all betting on the seventh consecutive positive result, but that would be repeated that at least 0.6 percent recorded in December.

There was also another reason for hope and was linked to the reduction of its contributions taken in January and that has left more money in the pockets of workers, not to mention the continuation of tax cuts enacted after the trade-off between Obama and the Republicans, a continuation that although it does not benefit, however, carries more a psychological effect on consumers.

But the increase was only a modest 0.3 percent, the lowest since June 2010, and was also highly concentrated growth in retail, with the corollary that the shops had the normal things went less well, all of which the optimists to a per kilo so they attribute to adverse weather conditions and not, as most likely, as a healthy reaction to the excesses that occurred during the Christmas period.

However, it is considered that in comparison with the lowest point of retail sales, which occurred in that terrible December 2008, an increase of 13.5 percent, although it took twenty-five months achieve this increase.

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The Presidency of the Council - Department of Youth - and the Ministry of Heritage and Culture announces a competition for the selection of the best screenplay for feature film projects. Abstracts must be submitted no later than 15.00 on March 25, 2011 To download the announcement

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social networking portal education to legality in collaboration with the Department of Youth and sponsored by the Ministry of Education, University and Research, announces the competition of ideas "I LIVE THE LEGALITY"
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Monday, February 14, 2011

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egitto-proteste " The people have made arrangements to resign "so sang the young Egyptian-Tahrir Square in the announcement of the resignation of Mubarak, their president-dictator.

That was a dictator in Italy, Europe and the rest of the West, we have "discovered" only after seeing the pictures of the streets of Cairo, full of people in protest.

One wonders, especially in America, why this late discovery.

Former U.S. Secretary of State, Condi Rice had to say in 2005: "For 60 years, my country, the United States, pursued stability at the expense of democracy in this region, here in the Middle East, and we have not achieved anything "

This is because, as is admitted in the New York Times" For too long we have treated the Arab world as an oil field. "

And why this happens, we leaned compliant systems that have resulted in stability and in fact, has anesthetized as Middle Eastern societies. Admits Ahmed Zewail, the Egyptian-American winner Nobel Prize for chemistry: "Egypt has been stable for 30 years because they had no vision, no aspiration and remained in a state of stagnation." But it was a state that could not last.

Before the Tunisian people, then the Egyptian one, woke up from this stupor, from hunger.

Forgive me the comparison but it was like waking up the night with stomach cramps prey. It then runs into the kitchen, open the refrigerator and try to swallow anything, no matter the label, with both hands freely.

Here was not only real hunger of many of these poor paesi, ma la fame di libertà, la voglia del piacere di scegliere il proprio futuro e di non vederlo imposto, a spingere migliaia e migliaia di persone a scendere in piazza contro i dittatori. Senza altre armi.

E nelle vicende tunisine ed egiziane, il mancato uso delle armi è stato l’aspetto più clamoroso, più sorprendente e più…bello che mi sento di sottolineare.

Finora, quelli della mia generazione la potenza della non violenza l’avevano letta sui libri o vista in tv. Gandhi e Martin Luther King sono state figure carismatiche che abbiamo conosciuto indirettamente.

Dobbiamo dire grazie ai tunisini, agli egiziani, se abbiamo had the opportunity to see directly what is the strength of non-violence. A force capable of changing the world.

"The whole day belongs to the Egyptian people - said President Obama - and the American people are moved by the scenes of Tahrir Square. The word 'Tahrir' means liberation. It 's a word that, in the words of Martin Luther King, in the soul. Will remember forever 'to the Egyptians about how they have changed their country and the world. Thank you. " Thank you for your non-violence. For Egypt was the moral force of non-violence, not terrorism, not the crazy killings, in turn, once again learning history toward justice. "

And as a famous American political commentator knowledge of the Middle East, the demonstration provided by the Egyptians could upset the plans of Islamic extremists, ending one of the longest-running conflicts that human history has ever known: the Israeli-Palestinian issue.

" It would be fascinating to see if the Palestinians to embrace non-violent mass protests in the West Bank as a strategy against the illegal Israeli settlements and the seizure of territories."

Just seems too optimistic. It 'true that the "seed of non-violence" sta contagiando l’intero Maghreb ed è già arrivato in parecchie città dell’Iran, dove proprio in queste ore è ripresa la protesta contro il regime .

In questi disgraziati paesi, la democrazia sembra finalmente essere a portata di mano. E’ lì, alla fine della strada tracciata dalla non violenza, che torna libera, sgombrata dai carri armati i cui cannoni sono rimasti muti.

Il pensiero però, non può che tornare al recente passato, a paesi diciamo meno fortunati. Mi riferisco all’Iraq e all’Afghanistan in particolare.

Non si può non pensare alle assurde “giustificazioni” advanced by the United States still dazed and in shock after the Sept. 11, one can not help thinking about those weapons of mass destruction that, in fact, did not exist.

And, above all in the States there is a debate today on the effectiveness of U.S. foreign policy based in large part on military force, bombs, thanks to which one has the illusion of being able to impose democracy.

If we blindly determination shown by the Bush administration passed the practical implementation of the doctrine of "flexible response", and do not just reflect the words of Robert McNamara, defense secretary at the time of the Vietnam War and theorist of the same doctrine that has ended up traumatizing an entire generation of Americans. McNamara said: " We have no divine right to shape every nation in our image or as we choose .

Democracy is not imposed, not be imposed because it is the civilian form through which it manifests and realizes the freedom of all people, of every man.

is demonstrated, once again, the tears that flow from the eyes of the Egyptians and Tunisians. They are not tears of sorrow but of joy, great joy. That joy can give you only the awareness back to being a free man.

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The great treasure hunt!

The treasure hunt of the outgoing President of Egypt Hosni Mubarak will be neither simple nor easy, even though Switzerland has fallen to freeze all deposits attributable to former Head of Egypt and his family, but it would be naive to think that a wily character as Mubarak has concentrated all his wealth in the Swiss Confederation, a state that is no longer the impregnable fortress it once was, however, as evidenced by the speed of freezing had not yet decided when the dry ink signature on the bottom of the letter to resign.

On the other hand, the ways to hide the traces of a treasure that Mubarak has begun to accumulate since he was a senior officer in the Egyptian ports are really endless and there are still unsure as Hong Kong where requests for information and the letters rogatory are sent back to the sender without ever being opened. The same size of the Treasury are rather uncertain, it is, in fact, estimates are 70 to 170 million dollars, however, huge numbers for a president who received a monthly sum as compensation of just over $ 800, a treasure that would food found in the discussion process of privatization began in 1990.

surprising that the family Mubarak is still in Egyptian territory, in a village in the Red Sea, a decision was certainly linked to serious health conditions, whether it is a restrictive measure decided by the army, a decision which was not unconnected with the treasure hunt has just begun !

Sunday, February 13, 2011

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clink of handcuffs on Wall Street! (3) Mario Draghi



skip to main which has a holding company within the group IndyMac, failed miserably in June 2008 for providing false information to investors on the disastrous state of health of the group.

Of the three suspects, only Blair Abernathy, financial co-director, decided to plea bargain by agreeing to pay a fine of $ 100,000 and restitution of a sum of $ 26,592, a sum inclusive of interest thereon.

more defiant attitude of the former chief executive, Michael Perry and the other chief financial officer, Scott Keys, who have rejected all the accusations, decided to plead their case before the judge.

According to the SEC, the three reports were prepared for the public, reports that represented the health status of the IndyMac completely distorted and misleading and did this despite having both in 2007 and the first half of 2008 all the information showing that the group was going to collapse.

As I often wrote in his diary of the financial crisis, it is increasingly a real danger that the once glittering world of finance is flooded with a myriad of civil suits or criminal behavior required before, during and after the perfect storm.

Friday, February 11, 2011

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participation and excitement Dolzago

good turnout of people during the evening of Thursday, February 10 Dolzago organized by the Committee for the Local Park of Monte di Brianza. An interesting video (author Pino Brambilla) excited not just showing the audience the many beauties of our Monte, mined, however, increasingly under siege from urbanization and neglect and cement. Against these dangers, the Committee is leading the fight, as has been widely illustarto spokesman Franco Orsenigo (with the help of a detailed slide presentation prepared da Duccio Biasi) e da Gianmario Fragomeli, presidente di un altro PLIS, quello della Valletta, che ha portato la sua fondamentale testimonianza elencando i numerosi vantaggi e opportunità che questa tipologia di parco può portare al territorio. La creazione del Parco che il Comitato propone è l’unico mezzo infatti per arginare il consumo del suolo, per rilanciare l’attività del territorio in modo ecosostenibile e per una vera, seria e partecipata tutela del Monte di Brianza.

Questo il resoconto di Casateonline:


Thursday, February 10, 2011

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new head of the ECB?

If he is confirmed the intention of the current president of the Bundesbank, Axel Weber, not to renew his mandate, giving up the race for succession of Jean Claude Trichet, will increase, and not just the chance of Mario Draghi, governor of the Bank of Italy and chairman of the Financial Stability Board.

While Italy is seen abroad with incredulity and sarcasm to the legal proceedings of Silvio Berlusconi, the credibility Dragons of the international community has never been tarnished by even a shade, and in his capacity as a number of FSB, has worked for years to rewrite the rules of international finance, a sort of impossible mission which should return to normal, that Nicholas Sarkozy had to define a market or completely crazy, in my opinion a huge casino to open.

The rise of Dragons, however, will be neither simple nor easy, as the appetites of the armchair Trichet characterize many countries of the euro area and difficult to give up Germany to put one of his men, as the current Save State Fund chief, Klaus Regling, but applications also come from Luxembourg and Finland.

Draghi has been for ten years Director General of the Treasury with responsibility for privatization, then the head of the powerful European presence but even more prescient Goldman Sachs and then take the place of Antonio Fazio as head of the Bank of Italy.