Who Pais who is Italy!
In 1982, the year of victory at the World Cup in Spain, Sandro Pertini was in the stands, cheering on every goal in the first blue. At the San Remo Festival the following year, 'na canzuni Toto Cutugno (the Italian), paid tribute to the Italian village, who had "a partisan for president."
Passaru almost thirty years and, if anything had Toto Cutugno 'ntinzioni partecipari of the festival in 2011, could write that song?
Sure, President Napolitano is the only remaining bastion of educational policy and kind of that time in our history, almost with contempt-identified as "First Republic". A policy made mostly through the press, a press that was basically a party in the sense that each political group had its own official organ of information (Unit, the Forward, the People, the Voice of the Republican, the Century XIX, etc.)..
There was no need to offend anyone because it recognized the right of others to think differently: it ognunu ligga chiddhu who was liked and NCI cuntentu.
is no longer the case. News channels have proliferated and, above all, a time when news came out now is very short: if someone has sneezed in New York at this time Pirch avi 'u raffridduri, we know now, Puru in Scilla.
There is more. Because the parties (and the propaganda machines that were behind, including official papers) were sent to be strabenedire the "new" Italian politicians in the name of renewal, a comparison-or perhaps I should call it collision-is on a personal level.
cchiu tempu passes, the more we realize it is difficult today to find two politicians capable of dealing with a serious conversation for more than five minutes without throwing the worst insults him.
all speak, but nobody listens to anybody.
is therefore possible that the only way to be heard and attract the attention of the video is sent over the network. The Web is the modern balcony of Palazzo Venezia: Mussolini when you looked out, turned to the silent square. Today, Berlusconi, Fini (to name only the most recent cases) are turning to ecumenism through a camera just as silent.
To tell you the truth, our politicians are not primi a utilizzare le possibilità offerte dal web. Negli Stati Uniti Obama li ha preceduti: il tradizionale discorso del sabato, che fin dai tempi di Lincoln veniva diffuso via radio, da tempo oramai raggiunge gli americani attraverso il sito della Casa Bianca.
Ma il primo in assoluto a comprendere l’importanza della rete è stato, ahinoi!, Osama Bin Laden, i cui video-messaggi (deliranti sì, ma drammaticamente efficaci) sono un’arma potentissima per fare proseliti.
Cosa centra, direte voi, Osama con Fini e Berlusconi? Niente, per fortuna. Ma, fatte le dovute proporzioni, dalle loro parole è nato e cresciuto quel “clima di odio”. Le motivazioni are certainly different and very deep differences, but the end result is obvious, you can not deny, is strikingly similar.
What song could be written today, then Toto?
Well, Sanremo certainly can not speak of hate, is nu festival. Indeed, it is nu popular national festivals.
So, given that the President of the Republic has already dedicated the song, pace of Napolitano could write a song about Chairman of the Board: President as a joke!
favorite target of humor is misunderstood by Cavalier Berlusca Rosy Bindi the poor: there are already four times that Silvio devotes so much attention. How
says that saying? "Who wants to buy it despises."
me there is a doubt want to see that the Cavalier with his heel after attending all kinds of tissue, letters and the like, after being passed by thousands and thousands of dinners with his deputies, after closing a deal with Ms. Veronica , after passing by the escort-free nights at the dawn of the 74 years he finally decided to change and, in fact, is in love with Bindi?!
Well, such an eventuality would not be so bad: the Berlusca really need the rriggitarsi ciriveddhi e smetterla di spararle sempre più grosse un giorno sì e l’altro pure, provocando reazioni a valanga sempre più fuori controllo. E chi meglio di una donna può tenerlo a bada e farlo riflettere prima di aprire bocca? Figuriamoci poi se questa donna fosse la Bindi!
Ma ve l’immaginate Silvio e Rosy ‘ffacciati al balcone di Piazza Venezia? ‘Na barzelletta!
Lei con la solita faccia seria; lui che saluta cuntentu e, abbandonando per un momento l’usuale impettito stile-Mussolini, ripete allegramente il simpatico gesto delle corna che lo ha reso famoso nel mondo.
La folla resta silente, senza parole per la sorpresa.
Ma la Bindi sa che se il re non fa corna, Berlusconi sarebbe capacissimo di fargliele davvero. Così prepara la sua vendetta: tutti divranno sapere come stanno davvero le cose, qual’ è stato attuale del nostro Paese.
La gente radunatasi sotto al balcone continua a guardarli silenziosa e sempre più sbigottita, per poi esplodere in un boato di risate (gioia?) non appena la Bindi pigghia a Berlusconi e facendo il segno della vittoria, rirendu sutt’ e baffi, lo spinge giù dal balcone in puro stile Mussolini, mandandolo a catafottersi tra la folla a testa sutta e peri all’aria!